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An outline of matters presented during the meeting arranged by a prescribed order.

Minneapolis City Council Agenda

City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
May 11, 2023 - 9:30 am
Room 317, City Hall
Members: Council Members Andrea Jenkins (President), Linea Palmisano (Vice-President), Elliott Payne, Robin Wonsley, Michael Rainville, LaTrisha Vetaw, Jeremiah Ellison, Jamal Osman, Lisa Goodman, Jason Chavez, Aisha Chughtai, Emily Koski, and Andrew Johnson
(Majority vote of all members, 7; 2/3 vote of all members, 9; quorum 7)
Clerk: Jackie Hanson, (612) 673-2216

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Adoption of the agenda.
  3. Acceptance of minutes
  4. Referral of petitions, communications, and reports to the proper Committees.
Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee
May 2, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Puralima, 548 Washington Ave N #103, (Ward 3) for an On Sale Liquor, No Live Entertainment with Sunday Sales license (2023-00434)
    1. Approving an application for Puralima, 548 WASHINGTON AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by 528 Washington Ave N LLC, BLLiquor, LIC405164 for an On Sale Liquor, No Live Entertainment with Sunday Sales license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
  2. Nicollet Event Center, 2616 Nicollet Ave, for a Rental Hall and Extended Hours license (2023-00435)
    1. Approving an application for Nicollet Event Center, 2616 NICOLLET AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by Nicollet Event Center LLC, BLEnter, LIC405711 for a Rental Hall license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances. 
    2. Approving an application for Nicollet Event Center, 2616 NICOLLET AVE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Nicollet Event Center LLC, BLGeneral, LIC405980 for an Extended Hours license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
  3. The Luminare, 770 9th St SE, for a Rental Hall license (2023-00437)
    1. Approving an application for The Luminare, 770 9TH ST SE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by The Luminare LLC, BLEnter, LIC400246 for a Rental Hall license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
  4. Little T's, 17 26th St E, (Ward 10) for an Expansion of Premises and Sidewalk Cafe license (2023-00438)
    1. Approving an application for Little T's, 17 26TH ST E Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by TBD Restaurants LLC, BLAmend, LIC407583 for an Expansion of Premises license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
    2. Approving an application for Little T's, 17 26TH ST E Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by TBD Restaurants LLC, BLFood, LIC407403 for a Sidewalk Cafe license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
  5. Arco Riverside Stop, 2517 Riverside Ave, (Ward 2) for an Extended Hours license (2023-00439)
    1. Approving an application for Arco Riverside Stop, 2517 RIVERSIDE AVE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Sharbel Petroleum Co, BLGeneral, LIC407630 for an Extended Hours license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
  6. Northrup King Residential project bond issuance: 1500 Jackson St NE (2023-00400)
    1. Passage of Resolution authorizing preliminary and final approval of the issuance of Tax-Exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $31,000,000 for the Northrup King Residential project.

  7. Plymouth Avenue Apartments Project Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan and Housing Revenue Bond Issuance (2023-00406)
    1. Passage of Resolution approving the Plymouth Avenue Apartments Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan.

    2. Passage of Resolution authorizing the issuance of a "Pay-As-You-Go" TIF note to 2309 Plymouth Ave N Limited Partnership in a principal amount not to exceed $742,500.

    3. Authorizing a tax increment financing assistance contract with 2309 Plymouth Ave N Limited Partnership and other necessary documents related to the recommended actions.

    4. Passage of Resolution authorizing preliminary and final approval for the issuance of Tax-Exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $11,000,000 for Plymouth Avenue Apartments.

    5. Approving additional funding of $945,000 from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) Contingency Pool for Plymouth Avenue Apartments located at 2309 Plymouth Ave N and 1254 Russell Ave N to increase the amount from a maximum amount of $1,890,000 up to $2,835,000.

  8. Liquor license approvals for May 2, 2023 (2023-00433)
    1. FIKA, 2600 PARK AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 6) submitted by Culinaire International Inc, BLAmend, LIC407700
    2. Sea Salt Eatery, 4825 MINNEHAHA AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 12) submitted by Sea Salt Eatery LLP, BLAmend, LIC407449
    3. FIKA, 2600 PARK AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 6) submitted by Culinaire International Inc, BLAmend, LIC407786
    4. Luna & The Bear, 18 26TH ST W Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by 425 Concepts LLC, BLLiquor, LIC406659
    5. The Marquette Hotel, 710 MARQUETTE AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 7) submitted by Evolution Hospitality LLC, BLAmend, LIC407667
    6. Windows on Minnesota, 710 MARQUETTE AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 7) submitted by Evolution Hospitality LLC, BLAmend, LIC407668
  9. Liquor License Renewals for May 2, 2023 (2023-00455)
    View Items
  10. Gambling license approvals for May 2, 2023 (2023-00436)
    1. Firefighters for Healing, 1712 MARSHALL ST NE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Firefighters for Healing, BLGeneral, LIC407876
    2. Minnesota Fastpitch Academy Foundation, 2229 35TH ST E Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Minnesota Fastpitch Academy Foundation, BLGeneral, LIC407875
  11. Transportation Network Company (TNC) Rate Study (2023-00446)
    1. Approving a legislative directive related to minimum compensation rates needed to ensure that Transportation Network Company (TNC) drivers earn minimum wage equivalents, with a report back to the Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee.

  12. Alley vacation: Ken McCraley, 2840 Chicago Ave (2023-00453)
    1. Approving an application submitted by Ken McCraley to vacate (VAC1737) the public alley between Chicago Ave and Columbus Ave adjacent to 2840 Chicago Ave.

    2. Passage of Resolution vacating the public alley between Chicago Ave and Columbus Ave adjacent to 2840 Chicago Ave (VAC1737).

  13. Rezoning: Trellis Co., a portion of 465 Girard Terrace (2023-00440)
    1. Approving an application submitted by Trellis Co. to rezone (PLAN16022) a portion of the property located at 465 Girard Terrace from the R5 Multiple-Family District to the OR2 High Density Office Residence District, retaining the BFT15 Transit 15 Built Form Overlay District, for a mixed-use development with 116 dwelling units and approximately 2,500 square feet of commercial space.

    2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

  14. Rezoning: Design by Melo, on behalf of Paul Berg, 137 46th St W (2023-00442)
    1. Approving an application submitted by Design by Melo, on behalf of Paul Berg, to rezone (PLAN16025) the property located at 137 46th St W from the R1A Multiple-Family District to the R3 Multiple-Family District retaining the AP Airport Overlay District and the BFI1 Interior 1 Built Form Overlay District for a new two-story multiple-family dwelling containing four dwelling units.

    2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

  15. Rezoning: Inglewood Avenue Apartments, 2426 Inglewood Ave (2023-00450)
    1. Approving an application submitted by Ben VinZant to rezone (PLAN15432) the property located at 2426 Inglewood Ave from the R2B Multiple-Family District to the R3 Multiple-Family District, retaining the BFI2 Interior 2 Built Form Overlay District and SH Shoreland Overlay District, for two new, two-story residential buildings containing a total of 16 dwelling units.

    2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

  16. Nolo's Kitchen & Bar/The Basement Bar, 511 Washington Ave N, (Ward 3) for a Permanent Expansion of Premises License (2023-00378)
    1. Approving an application for Nolo's Kitchen & Bar/The Basement Bar, 511 WASHINGTON AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by The Maytag Project LLC, BLAmend, LIC407176 for a Permanent Expansion of Premises license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all applicable code and ordinances.
Committee of the Whole
May 9, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Community Commission on Police Oversight appointments (2023-00185)
    1. Approving Derrick Vorpahl for Council appointment, Seat 12, Ward 12, for 2 year term, beginning Jun 1, 2023, and ending May 31, 2025.
  2. Audit Committee Appointments (2023-00483)
    1. Approving the following Council appointments for three-year terms, beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2025: Lily Hosbein, Ward 1; Sarah Renner, Ward 7; Jennifer "J" Singleton, Ward 8; and Hallie Williams Jr., Ward 11.

Policy & Government Oversight Committee
May 8, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. 2023 Quarterly Donations Reports (2023-00472)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting 1st Quarter 2023 donations made to the City of Minneapolis valued under $15,000. 

  2. Gift acceptance from the Joyce Foundation for travel expenses (2023-00485)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel expenses from the Joyce Foundation for Police Chief Brian O'Hara, Chief of Staff Chris Gaiters, Deputy Chief Troy Schoenberger, Chief of Staff Skyler Nash, Inspector Katie Blackwell, and Commander Yolanda Wilkes to attend a Forum on Policing Reform hosted by The Joyce Foundation in Chicago, IL.

  3. Gift acceptance from the Major Cities Chiefs Association for travel expenses (2023-00486)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel expenses from Major Cities Chiefs Association for Police Department Chief Brian O’Hara to attend The Major Cities Chiefs Association 2023 Chiefs Leadership Development Meeting in Louisville, KY.

  4. Gift acceptance from John Jay College of Criminal Justice for travel expenses (2023-00487)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel expenses from John Jay College of Criminal Justice for  Police Chief Brian O'Hara to attend the Center for Effective Public Policy and the Future of Public Safety Initiative sessions in New York.

  5. Gift acceptance from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives for travel expenses (2023-00488)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel expenses from The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives for Police Department Chief Brian O'Hara to attend Department of Justice's Chief of Police Executive Forum on Gun Crimes in Washington, DC.

  6. Gift acceptance from the National Association of Counties and Cities Heath Officials for travel and lodging expenses (2023-00489)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel and lodging expenses from the National Association of Counties and Cities Heath Officials (NACCHO) for the Health Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner to attend NACCHO360 annual member conference in Denver, CO. 

  7. Gift acceptance from National Association of Counties and Cities Heath Officials of travel and lodging expenses (2023-00490)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel and lodging expenses from the National Association of Counties and Cities Health Officials (NACCHO) for Damon Chaplin, Health Commissioner, to attend Board REI Training in St. Pete's Beach, FL.

  8. Gift acceptance from the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum of travel and lodging expenses (2023-00491)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel, registration, per diem, and lodging expenses from the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum for a Homegrown staff member to attend the RE-AMP annual conference in Detroit, MI.

  9. Hiring Practices for Public Safety Workers (2023-00475)
    1. Approving a legislative directive related to a comprehensive analysis of the City’s hiring practices as it relates to unarmed and armed safety workers. 

  10. Transgender Equity Council appointments (2023-00481)
    1. Approving the following Mayoral reappointment for a two-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024: Becca Sanborn, Seat 8, Ward 5.

    2. Approving the following Council reappointment for an unexpired two-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2023: Billie Jean Kurek, Seat 10, Ward 6. 

  11. Agreements with Xcel Energy to purchase renewable electricity from their Renewable*Connect Program (2023-00484)
    1. Authorizing a renewal of the five-year Renewable*Connect contract with Xcel Energy for 19.2 million kWh annually.

    2. Authorizing a renewal of the five-year Renewable*Connect contract with Xcel Energy for 100% of annual usage for select accounts for approximately 23.2 million kWh annually.

  12. Bid for Minneapolis Maintenance Facilities Roof Replacement Project (2023-00474)
    1. Accepting the low bid of John A. Dalsin & Sons, Inc. submitted on Event No. 2366, in the amount of $4,390,556, including Alternates 1, 2 and 3, to provide all materials, labor, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the Maintenance Facilities Roof Replacement Project, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.

  13. Bid for Pavement Sawing (2023-00476)
    1. Accepting the second low bid of Langford Tool and Drill, submitted on Event No. 2462, in the amount of $198,950, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for concrete sawing for projects throughout the City, authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.

  14. Bid for Yard Maintenance (2023-00477)
    1. Accepting the low bid of Metro Lawns, LLC submitted on Event No. 2422, in the amount of $150,000, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for Yard Maintenance Services, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.

    2. Accepting the second low bid of Aloha Landscaping, Inc. submitted on Event No.  2422, in the amount of $150,000, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for Yard Maintenance Services, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.,

  15. Bid for 2023 Small Diameter Pipe Cleaning & Televising (2023-00479)
    1. Accepting the low bid of Equix Integrity, Inc. submitted on bid Event No. 2441, in the amount of $351,850, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for the 2023 Small Diameter Pipe Cleaning and Televising project, and authorizing a contract, all in accordance with City specifications.

  16. Contract amendment for property maintenance, mowing and snow removal services (2023-00473)
    1. Authorizing an increase to contract COM0001746 with Tree Trust in the amount of $50,000 for a total amount not to exceed $529,000, for additional property maintenance, mowing and snow removal services, all in accordance with City specifications.

  17. Contract amendment with Pryes Brewery for leased space improvements at 550 Kasota Ave SE (2023-00492)
    1. Authorizing an increase to Contract COM0005819 with Pryes Brewery, in the amount of $30,000 for a total not to exceed $1,053,838.70, for leased space improvements at 550 Kasota Ave SE.

  18. Temporary construction easement amendment with Metropolitan Council for the Southwest Light Rail Transit project (2023-00493)
    1. Authorizing an extension to temporary construction easements on City-owned land with the Metropolitan Council for the Southwest Light Rail Transit (SWLRT) project until December 2025.

  19. Legal Settlement: Workers Compensation claim of David Sheppard (2023-00463)
    1. Approving the workers compensation claim of David Sheppard by payment of $125,000 to David Sheppard, and attorney, Gerald Bosch, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.

  20. Legal Settlement: Workers Compensation claim of Wendy Johnson (2023-00464)
    1. Approving the workers compensation claim of Wendy Johnson by payment of $190,000 over four years to Wendy Johnson and attorney, Scott Puklich, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.

  21. Legal Settlement: Workers Compensation claim of Bruce Smith (2023-00465)
    1. Approving the workers compensation claim of Bruce Smith by payment of $122,500 to Bruce Smith, and attorney, Osterbauer Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.

  22. Legal Settlement: Workers Compensation claim of Danielle Evans (2023-00466)
    1. Approving the workers compensation claim of Danielle Evans by payment of $123,000 to Danielle Evans and attorney, Meuser Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.

  23. Legal Settlement: Workers Compensation claim of Keith Smith (2023-00467)
    1. Approving the workers compensation claim of Keith Smith by payment of $150,000 over two years to Keith Smith and attorney, Meuser Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.

  24. Legal Settlement: Workers Compensation claim of Paul Huynh (2023-00468)
    1. Approving the workers compensation claim of Paul Huynh by payment of $95,000 to Paul Huynh and attorney, Meuser Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.

  25. Legal Settlement: Workers Compensation claim of Nathan Johnson (2023-00469)
    1. Approving the workers compensation claim of Nathan Johnson by payment of $125,000 to Nathan Johnson and attorney, Meuser Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.

Public Health & Safety Committee
May 3, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Partnership Agreement with the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc (NRDC) to be a Food Matters city partner (2023-00443)
    1. Authorizing a Partnership Agreement with the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc (NRDC), in support of Food Matters to achieve meaningful reductions in food waste through comprehensive policies and programs for the period of Mar 17, 2023, through Jun 30, 2024.

  2. Contracts with neighborhood organizations qualifying for the Neighborhoods 2020 Shared Resources and Collaborations Fund (2023-00445)
    1. Authorizing a contract with the Fulton Neighborhood Association, in the amount of $20,000, to provide administrative support and oversight in the planning and implementation of a shared resources and collaboration grant with the neighborhood organizations of Armatage, Fulton, Kenny, Lynnhurst, and Windom Community Council, as part of the Neighborhoods 2020 Shared Resources and Collaborations Fund.

    2. Authorizing a contract with the Marcy Holmes Neighborhood Association, in the amount of $20,000, to provide administrative support and oversight in the planning and implementation of a shared resources and collaboration grant between the neighborhood organizations in Marcy Holmes, Nicollet Island-East Bank, Prospect Park Neighborhood Association, and Southeast Como, as part of the Neighborhoods 2020 Shared Resources and Collaborations Fund.

  3. National Endowment for the Arts grant to support personnel expenses related to COVID-19 (2022-00902)
    1. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy.

Public Works & Infrastructure Committee
May 4, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. 2023 Street Lighting Replacement: Project approval and assessment (2023-00441)
    1. Passage of Resolution ordering the work to proceed and adopting special assessments in the amount of $763,551.44 for the 2023 Street Lighting Replacement Project No. 2359 (CTR026).

    2. Passage of Resolution requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation authorize the City’s issuance and sale of assessment bonds in the amount of $763,551.44 for the project.

  2. Olson Memorial Highway / Highway 55 priorities (2023-00451)
    1. Passage of Resolution expressing the City’s priorities for Olson Memorial Highway / Highway 55 that support an Olson Memorial Highway redesign prioritizing public health, racial equity, safety, affordability, accessibility, and sustainability and restores attributes to this corridor that were present when this corridor was 6th Ave N, a vibrant predominantly Jewish and African American cultural corridor.

Introduction & Referral Calendar

  1. Administrative enforcement and hearing process ordinance (2023-00457)
    1. Pursuant to notice, motion by Goodman to introduce an ordinance amending Title 1, Chapter 2 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to General Provisions: Administrative Enforcement and Hearing Process, for first reading and referral to the Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee, amending provisions related to city employees authorized to issue administrative citations and offenses subject to administrative enforcement.


  1. No Menthol Sunday honorary resolution (2023-00520)
    1. Passage of Resolution declaring May 21, 2023, as No Menthol Sunday in the City of Minneapolis.

  2. Lyall Schwarzkopf honorary resolution (2023-00518)
    1. Passage of Resolution designating Lyall Schwarzkopf City Clerk Emeritus.

New Business

  1. Audit Committee membership (2023-00301)
    1. Receiving and filing the following appointments by Council President Jenkins to the Audit Committee:

      1. Council Member Palmisano (Chair)
      2. Council Member Koski
  2. 2023 State of the City Address (2023-00199)
    1. Receiving and filing the 2023 State of the City Address by Mayor Jacob Frey.


  1. Personnel actions related to executive mayor-legislative council government structure (2023-00408)
    1. Directing the City Clerk, in conjuction with the Auditor, to coordinate with the Mayoral Administration on the details of personnel-related actions supporting implementation of the executive mayor - legislative council government structure.



Next City Council meeting: May 25, 2023

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  • Your attendance at the meeting;
  • Your name, residential address, email or phone number, or other personal contact details;
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  • Any submissions you provide before or after the meeting which are included as part of the public record of the meeting.

A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05.