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Racial Equity Impact Analysis (REIA)

The Racial Equity Impact Analysis helps the City consider racial equity outcomes when shaping policies, practices, programs and budgets.
Loan for Building, Technology and Innovation Center (BTIC): 415 Royalston Ave N - REIA

Section 1: Background
Public Safety No
Housing Yes
Economic Development Yes
Public Services No
Environmental Justice Yes
Built Environment & Transportation No
Public Health No
Arts & Culture No
Workforce Yes
Spending No
Data No
Community Engagement No
City-wide for the housing production; workforce recruting targeted to north Minneapolis. 
CPED staff working with Race Equity developed the SREAP goals passed by the City Council.
Section 2: Data
North Minneapolis is the primary benficiary of this project. 

Near North Race & Ethnicity (2016-2020) * from Minnesota Compass Database accessed on 9/16/2022

White                 6,917                  19.0%

Of Color              28,418                78.1%

Black or African American alone               18,498                50.8%

American Indian and Alaskan Native alone           559        1.5%

Asian or Pacific Islander alone                  4,183    11.5%

Other alone       suppressed       

Two or more races alone             2,481    6.8%

Hispanic or Latino (of any race)  3,703    10.2%

This area is one of the largest population percentages of non-white residents at nearly 4 to 1 residents being from communities of color. 
Benificiary data on demographics of people served by this project will need to be collected as the facility becomes operational 
Section 3: Community Engagement
Inform Yes
Consult No
Involve No
Collaborate No
Empower No
Community will benefit from the job creation at a wage level higher than the community's median income. 
Section 4: Analysis
This project would reduce barriers for BIPOC people living wage jobs and will create new housing units.
Section 5: Evaluation

We will count jobs, housing units produced, and other related economic activity in racially disaggregated data sets. 

The Developmer will engage community as the project progresses.