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Request for Committee Action

A briefing memo explaining the purpose, background, and impact of the requested action.
Grant from Rockefeller Foundation on behalf of 100 Resilient Cities Initiative for a Chief Resiliency Officer (CRO) (RCA-2017-00739)

City Coordinator's Office
To Committee(s)
# Committee Name Meeting Date
1 Ways & Means Committee Jun 12, 2017
Lead Staff:
Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde
Presented By:
Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde
Action Item(s)
# File Type Subcategory Item Description
1 Action Grant

Accepting a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation on behalf of 100 Resilient Cities Initiative for direct funds up to $129,508 per year for the salary and benefits of the position of a Chief Resiliency Officer (CRO) for a period of two years.

2 Action Contract/Agreement

Authorizing an agreement with the Rockefeller Foundation on behalf of 100 Resilient Cities Initiative for the grant.

3 Resolution Appropriation

Passage of Resolution appropriating the funds to the City Coordinator’s Office.

Previous Actions

2016-01282 - Appointed position of Chief Resiliency Officer

Ward / Neighborhood / Address
# Ward Neighborhood Address
1. Not Applicable
Background Analysis

On May 26, 2016 Minneapolis was selected by Rockefeller Foundation to join the 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) Network to build urban resilience. As a member of 100RC, Minneapolis will gain access to tools, funding, technical expertise, and other resources to build resilience to the challenges of the 21st century.

Minneapolis was chosen from more than 325 applicants on the basis of their willingness, ability, and need to become resilient in the face of future challenges. The application process showed each city’s unique vision for resilience, a long-term commitment to building resilience in a way that connects silos of government and sectors of society, and specific attention to the needs of poor and vulnerable citizens. Applicant cities also demonstrated the willingness to be leaders in urban resilience, sharing learning experiences and becoming a model for other cities across the globe.

Selected cities are now part of a global community of cities working together to build urban resilience. As part of the 100RC Network, Minneapolis will hire a Chief Resiliency Officer who will lead the citywide resilience-building process and engage stakeholders from across different government agencies, public and private sectors, and various communities to incorporate diverse perspectives and knowledge. Minneapolis will also receive technical support to develop a Resilience Strategy that reflects the city’s distinct needs, and the support and services they need as they work towards implementing that strategy. Each new network member will gain access to a variety of 100RC Platform Partners in the private, public, academic, government, and nonprofit sectors. Partners offer tools and services valued at over $180 million USD at no direct cost to 100RC members, in areas such as innovative finance, technology, infrastructure, land use, and community and social resilience. Finally, the cities will be linked together in a global network so they can learn from each other’s challenges and successes.