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Request for Committee Action

A briefing memo explaining the purpose, background, and impact of the requested action.
Neighborhood name change: Calhoun Area Residents Action Group to South Uptown (RCA-2018-01207)

Neighborhood & Community Relations
To Committee(s)
# Committee Name Meeting Date
1 Public Health, Environment, Civil Rights, and Engagement Committee Oct 22, 2018
Lead Staff:
Steve Gallagher
Presented By:
Ariah Fine
Action Item(s)
# File Type Subcategory Item Description
1 Action Neighborhoods

Authorizing a name change of the Calhoun Area Residents Action Group (CARAG) Neighborhood to the South Uptown Neighborhood.

Ward / Neighborhood / Address
# Ward Neighborhood Address
1. Ward 10 South Uptown
Background Analysis

The Calhoun Area Residents Action Group (CARAG) conducted significant community engagement over the past nine months to "Recommend a new neighborhood name that communicates our location in Minneapolis and reflects the community." They engaged 370 respondents in a first survey, 520 in a second survey, and over 150 neighbors at their annual meeting that ultimately voted to recommend South Uptown as the new name for the Neighborhood Organization and the city of Minneapolis Neighborhood designation. The Council Member of Ward 10, which the neighborhood is located, supports the name change.

  • No fiscal impact anticipated