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Request for Committee Action

A briefing memo explaining the purpose, background, and impact of the requested action.
Participatory budgeting (RCA-2023-00948)

City Council
To Committee(s)
# Committee Name Meeting Date
1 Budget Committee Oct 17, 2023
Lead Staff:
Council Member Robin Wonsley
Presented By:
Council Member Robin Wonsley
Action Item(s)
# File Type Subcategory Item Description
1 Action Staff Direction

Directing the Legislative Department to conduct research and present a high-level overview on how to integrate participatory budgeting into the Minneapolis budget process.

Previous Actions

Ward / Neighborhood / Address
# Ward Neighborhood Address
1. Not Applicable
Background Analysis

Participatory budgeting is a set of practices and methodologies to increase democracy in budgeting. Elements of participatory budgeting are currently used by thousands of local governments, public agencies, and other organizations around the world. Participatory budgeting has the potential to increase civic participation by marginalized residents and communities, build relationships, strengthen government credibility, and increase investment in innovative projects. There is an opportunity to integrate participatory budgeting practices into the Minneapolis budget process as the city shifts to a biannual budget and the Council reviews and revises the Budget Committee workplan.

Racial Equity Impact Analysis