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Marked Agenda

A post-meeting synopsis of actions taken or decisions made on all matters.

Zoning & Planning Committee Agenda

Standing Committee of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
October 31, 2019 - 10:00 am
Room 317, City Hall
Members Present: Council Members Jeremy Schroeder (Chair), Kevin Reich (Vice-Chair), Cam Gordon, Lisa Goodman, and Lisa Bender (Quorum: 4)
Members Absent: Council Member Jeremiah Ellison
Clerk: Ken Dahler, (612) 673-2216

Public Hearing

  1. 2 Interim use permit: North Star Community Rowing, 51 34th Ave N and 3360 N 1st St (2019-01247)
    Action Taken: Approved

Quasi-Judicial Hearing

  1. 3 Variance appeal: Erik Takeshita, 4736 and 4740 Grand Ave S (2019-01220)
    Action Taken: Granted


  1. 4 Environmental Assessment Worksheet: North Loop Green Project, 405 and 408 4th Ave N; and 328 and 330 N 4th St (2019-01173)
    1. Approving the adequacy of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed North Loop Green Project located at 405 and 408 4th Ave N; and 328 and 330 N 4th St.

    2. Approving the determination that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required.

    3. Adopting the Findings of Fact as prepared by the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.

    Action Taken: Approved
  2. 5 Park dedication requirements waiver: RiverLoop development project, 800 W River Pkwy (2019-01236)
    1. Passage of Resolution granting a waiver of park dedication requirements associated with the RiverLoop development project at 800 W River Pkwy in exchange for private land maintained for public use.

    2. Refunding previously submitted parkland dedication fee in-lieu payment of $344,611 to Opus Development.

    3. Authorizing staff to execute a Parkland Development and Easement Agreement between the City of Minneapolis, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and River Loop Joint Venture, LLC.

    Action Taken: Approved
  3. 6 Rezoning: Meredith Barnhart, 2800 University Ave SE (2019-01239)
    1. Approving an application submitted by Meredith Barnhart to rezone (PLAN9254) the property located at 2800 University Ave SE from the OR2 High Density Office Residence District to the C3A Community Activity Center District to allow a new eight-story hotel with 112 rooms.

    2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

    Action Taken: Approved
  4. 7 Rezoning: 4737 Minnehaha LLC, 4721 and 4737 Minnehaha Ave (2019-01244)
    1. Approving an application submitted by 4737 Minnehaha LLC to rezone (PLAN9601) the property located at 4721 Minnehaha Ave from the R2B Two-family District to the OR2 High Density Office Residence District to construct a new four-story residential building with 26 dwelling units.

    2. Approving an application submitted by 4737 Minnehaha LLC to rezone (PLAN9601) the property located at 4737 Minnehaha Ave from the C1 Neighborhood Commercial District to the OR2 High Density Office Residence District to construct a new four-story residential building with 26 dwelling units.

    3. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

    Action Taken: Approved
  5. 8 Commemorative street name addition: Council Member Andrea Jenkins, 3rd Ave S between 36th St E and 42nd St E (2019-01245)
    Action Taken: Approved
  6. 9 Commemorative street name addition: Council Member Andrea Jenkins, 4th Ave S between 36th St E and 42nd St E (2019-01246)
    Action Taken: Approved


  1. 10 Three-unit buildings in lower-intensity districts and related development standards ordinance (2019-00217)
    Action Taken: Approved
  2. 11 Lot combinations in lower-density zoning districts ordinance (2018-01198)
    1. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code, limiting lot combinations in lower-density zoning districts:

      1. Chapter 546 Residence Districts.
      2. Chapter 547 Office Residence Districts.
    2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 22, Chapter 598 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Land Subdivision: Land Subdivision Regulations, limiting lot combinations in lower-density zoning districts.

    Action Taken: Approved
  3. 12 Implementation of Minneapolis 2040 (2019-01255)
    Action Taken: Received and filed


  1. 13 Implementation of Minneapolis 2040 (2019-01255)
    1. Directing staff to develop zoning code amendments to codify the policy direction in Minneapolis 2040 through the Future Land Use and Built Form maps and to address and reflect stated policy objectives, coordinate the rezoning study with other Minneapolis 2040 plan implementation activities, and establish an implementation steering committee for zoning and zoning-related amendments.

    2. Directing staff to develop strategies that increase funding levels to invest in transportation infrastructure in locations experiencing growth and, as part of this strategy, work to actively shape and define the City’s transit vision and framework which will be reflected in the forthcoming Transportation Action Plan and other interim documents and discussions.

    3. Directing staff to further study the future of industrial uses in areas of the city-designated Production Mixed Use in the Minneapolis 2040 Future Land Use Map, including the appropriate locations, conditions, and mechanisms for requiring production uses, allowing residential uses, and allowing commercial uses in these areas, and make necessary changes to land use policy or zoning regulations to support the findings of this work.

    Action Taken: Approved

Committee actions will be referred to the next Council meeting: Nov 8, 2019
Next Zoning & Planning Committee meeting: Nov 14, 2019

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  • Your attendance at the meeting;
  • Your name, residential address, email or phone number, or other personal contact details;
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  • Any submissions you provide before or after the meeting which are included as part of the public record of the meeting.

A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05.