Minneapolis City Council Agenda
City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Action Taken: Adopted
Action Taken: Accepted
Action Taken: Referred
Reports of Standing Committees
Election judge and deputy city clerk appointments for the March 5, 2024 Presidential Primary Election (2024-00043)
Passage of Resolution approving the appointment of election judges and deputy city clerks in connection with the Mar 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election; and authorizing the City Clerk to appoint additional election judges and deputy city clerks as necessary.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from the Big Cities Health Coalition of travel expenses lodging, and appropriate incidentals (2024-00040)
Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel and lodging expenses, including regular membership dues, flight, lodging, and appropriate incidentals, from the Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC) for Damon Chaplin, Health Commissioner, to attend the BCHC winter member meeting and Hill Day with the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) in Washington D.C.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting a grant from Hennepin County, in the amount of $228,511, for Youth Activities: Sports Registration Fees for the following arts organizations: Lundstrum Performing Arts, in the amount of $71,827; Threads Dance Project, in the amount of $29,040; Minnesota Dance Theatre, in the amount of $38,020; and Center for Performing Arts, in the amount $89,624.
Authorizing agreements with Hennepin County, Lundstrum Performing Arts, Threads Dance Project, Minnesota Dance Theatre, and Center for Performing Arts Minneapolis, or related entities, to implement the grants.
Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Arts and Cultural Affairs Department.
Action Taken: Adopted -
View Items
Action Taken: Adopted
Membership agreement for the SMART Grant Collaborative organized by the Open Mobility Foundation (2024-00042)
Authorizing entering into a membership agreement for the Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Collaborative organized by the Open Mobility Foundation (OMF), in the amount of $197,500, from Sep 15, 2023, to Mar 15, 2025.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the low bid of Standard Sidewalk, Inc., submitted on Event 2495, in the amount of $552,999.90, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for the 29th Ave NE ADA Pedestrian Ramp Improvements project, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the low bid from Q3 Contracting, submitted on Event 2826, for an estimated annual amount of $219,225.72, to provide all labor and equipment necessary for several concrete road projects for a one (1) year term with the option to renew for up to two (2) 12-month terms, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the low bid from New Look Contracting, submitted on Event 2824, for an estimated annual amount of $290,103.00, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to Crush Rubble Concrete for a one (1) year term with the option to renew for up to two (2) 12-month periods, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the third lowest bid of Specseats Int’l Corp., on Event 2802 in the amount of $280,520, to furnish and deliver Target Center Arena folding chairs and carts all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
View Items
Action Taken: Adopted
Contract with 4RM+ULA for George Floyd Square, Community Priorities and Vision, Engagement Services (2024-00038)
Authorizing a contract with 4RM ULA, in the amount of $250,000, starting on Feb 1, 2024, through Dec 31, 2024, for George Floyd Square, Community Priorities and Vision, engagement services.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing the contract with Accenture LLP, to include modifications to the general terms and conditions related to the consequential damages and liability clauses.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Urban Elevator Service MN, LLC., for the Convention Center Public Elevator Modernization Project (2024-00029)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0005489 with Urban Elevator Service MN, LLC., in the amount of $55,042 for a total amount not to exceed $1,319,258, for additional work to complete the Minneapolis Convention Center Public Elevator Modernization project, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Minger Construction Company, Inc. for the 15th St E Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project (2024-00030)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0006683 with Minger Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $210,627 for a total amount not to exceed $1,321,329, for additional work related to the 15th Street East Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Keystone Compensation Group LLC for classification and compensation services (2024-00031)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0006232 with Keystone Compensation Group LLC, in the amount of $100,000 for a new total amount not to exceed $300,000, and an extension through Dec 31, 2024, for classification and compensation services.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0007392 with Rachel Contracting LLC, in the amount of $63,491 for a total amount not to exceed $869,268, for additional materials, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the demolition of the Kmart site at 10 W Lake St, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Egan Company for the Fridley Campus Electrical Rehabilitation Construction project (2024-00036)
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0003972 with Egan Company, in the amount of $561,940 for a total amount not to exceed $11,666,437, and an extension of the contract through Oct 15, 2024, for additional materials, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the Fridley Campus Electrical Rehabilitation Construction project; all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Meyer Contracting, Inc. for the Signals, Storm Sewer & Curb Ramp Improvements project (2024-00037)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0006584 with Meyer Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $481,395.42 for a total amount not to exceed $9,770,000, for the Signals, Storm Sewer & Curb Ramp Improvements project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving initial authorization to submit all current and ongoing bills, and proof of economic loss, relating to no-fault claimant Flavio Marcelo Lala Sinchi to the City Attorney, or her designee, for review and submission to the City Finance Officer for processing and payment pursuant to M.C.O. 16.1120 from Fund/Org 06940-1500100-145690.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Rachel Contracting LLC for contract closeout for the Hiawatha Public Works - Phase II Demolition Project (2024-00034)
Authorizing a decrease to Contract No. COM0006475 with Rachel Contracting LLC, in the amount of $1,320,487 for a total amount not to exceed $341,330, for closeout and termination contract for the Public Works Hiawatha Campus Phase II Demolition project to accommodate future land sale.
Action Taken: Adopted -
AC Hotel Minneapolis Downtown, 401 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Sage Client 265 LLC, BLAmend, LIC412728
Action Taken: Adopted
Brew Lab 101, 25 4TH ST N Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Burquefit, LLC, BLBrewery, LIC412609
Action Taken: Adopted
Brew Lab 101, 25 4TH ST N Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Burquefit, LLC, BLBrewery, LIC412610
Action Taken: Adopted
TXT Wine & Spirits, 700 WEST BROADWAY Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 5) submitted by TXT LLC, BLLiqOff, LIC406445
Action Taken: Adopted
Levy Restaurants, 600 1ST AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Levy Premium Foodservice Limited Partnership, BLAmend, LIC412476
Action Taken: Adopted
Lyon's Pub, 16 6TH ST S Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Lymar Inc, BLAmend, LIC412869
Action Taken: Adopted
AC Hotel Minneapolis Downtown, 401 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Sage Client 265 LLC, BLAmend, LIC412728
View Items
Action Taken: Adopted
City of Lakes Hockey Association, 225 THOMAS AVE N Minneapolis, MN, submitted by City of Lakes Hockey Association, BLGeneral, LIC412884
Fridley Lions Club, 609 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Fridley Lions Club, BLGeneral, LIC412883
Minneapolis Firefighters Local 82 Charities, 4155 CEDAR AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Minneapolis Firefighters Local 82 Charities, BLGeneral, LIC412989
Minneapolis Firefighters Local 82 Charities, 1070 NICOLLET MALL Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Minneapolis Firefighters Local 82 Charities, BLGeneral, LIC412990
NE Minneapolis Lions Community Foundation, 1404 QUINCY ST NE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by NE Minneapolis Lions Community Foundation, BLGeneral, LIC412773
Action Taken: Adopted -
City of Lakes Hockey Association, 225 THOMAS AVE N Minneapolis, MN, submitted by City of Lakes Hockey Association, BLGeneral, LIC412884
Approving Carole Merrill for Council appointment, Seat 9, Ward 3, for a three-year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2026.
Approving Kelly Fischer for Council appointment, Seat 8, Ward 9, for a three-year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2026.
Approving Travis Herr for Council appointment, Seat 1, Ward 13, for an unexpired term, beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Toshihiko Karato for Council appointment, Seat 7, Ward 13, for a three-year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2026.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving Carole Merrill for Council appointment, Seat 9, Ward 3, for a three-year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2026.
Approving an application submitted by 927 Building LLC, to rezone (PLAN17078) the property located at 1828 Dupont Ave N by adding the TP Transitional Parking Overlay District for a parking lot, retaining the BF13 Interior 3 Built Form Overlay District.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 530 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the application submitted by The Great Northern Festival for a large block event permit to allow The Great Northern Ice Bar event to be held Jan 26-28 and Jan 31 - Feb 4, 2024, on Nicollet Mall between 3rd St S and Washington Ave S and to operate outside the hours permitted under Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, Section 455.35(c)(1).
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an agreement with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, effective through February 22, 2029, for programmatic maintenance of wetland buffers, stormwater management facilities, and waterbody crossings.
Action Taken: Adopted as amended -
Authorizing a contract with Hennepin County, in the estimated amount of $13,065,000, for processing and disposal of municipal solid wastes collected in Minneapolis from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2025, by the Public Works Divisions of Solid Waste and Recycling and Transportation Maintenance and Repair, at a rate of $74 per ton for the first year, and $77 per ton for the second year.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment to agreement with Hennepin County to offset organics tipping fees paid by the City for processing of organics collected through the organics recycling program (2024-00027)
Authorizing a one-year extension to the revenue only agreement with Hennepin County in the estimated amount of $169,212, to offset the per-ton tipping fee paid for processing of organic materials, for the term of April 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025, with the option to further extend the agreement for up to four (4) additional one-year terms.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution amending the 2024 General Appropriation Resolution by increasing the Solid Waste Fund Capital budget by $396,495.52, and reducing the Operating budget by the same amount to support Solid Waste funded North Transfer Station Revitalization Project expenses in 2024.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution updating the Parking and Mobility Services Fee and Rate Schedule to update fees related to Ramps, Lots, and On-Street parking.
Action Taken: Referred to CI meeting of Feb 1, 2024 -
Grant application to Metropolitan Council Environmental Services for Municipal Infiltration/Inflow reduction (2024-00028)
Authorizing the submittal of a grant application to Metropolitan Council Environmental Services' Municipal Infiltration/Inflow Grant Program, for an amount of $50,000 plus an additional sum to be determined upon program conclusion in March 2026, for reimbursement of expenses for CIPP (cured-in-place-pipe) lining and repairs of existing sewers that have taken place between Jan 1, 2024, and Dec 31, 2025.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Adjusted 2024 Capital Appropriations for Lake at Nicollet Reopening Project and Fremont Alley Project (2024-00026)
Passage of Resolution amending the 2024 Capital Appropriation Resolution by increasing the revenue in the Street Car Value Capture Fund by $200,000 and appropriating $200,000 to the Lake at Nicollet Reopening project; and decreasing the appropriations to the Alley Renovation Program by $250,000 and the Major Pavement Maintenance Program by $250,000 and increasing the appropriation to the Unpaved Alley Construction Program by $500,000.
Passage of Resolution requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation authorize the City’s issuance and sale of bonds in the amount of $50,000.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) grant for private sewer lateral repairs (2024-00044)
Accepting a grant from Metropolitan Council Environmental Services in the amount of $230,000 to provide grants to property owners to replace or repair failing private sewer line laterals.
Authorizing an agreement with Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) for the grant.
Passage of Resolution appropriating funds to the Public Works Department.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution appointing Council Members to various boards, commissions, and committees for the 2024-2025 Term.
Action Taken: Adopted, does not require Mayor's signature -
Passage of Resolution ratifying the 2024 revision of The Rules of Order of the City Council.
Action Taken: Adopted, does not require Mayor's signature -
Passage of Resolution supporting a permanent ceasefire and preventing loss of human life in the Middle East.
Action Taken: Adopted as amended -
Training reimbursement from the Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education (MBFTE) (2024-00019)
Accepting a reimbursement from the Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education (MBFTE), in the amount of $87,560, for MBFTE-approved training conducted between Jul 1, 2023, and Jun 30, 2024.
Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to Fire Department.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving Madeline Lohman for Council reappointment, Seat 7, Ward 11, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Briana Kemp for Council appointment, Seat 9, Ward 4, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Lucas Franco for Council reappointment, Seat 11, Ward 12, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Confirming Brian Elliott for Mayoral reappointment, Seat 13, Ward 11, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving Madeline Lohman for Council reappointment, Seat 7, Ward 11, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Andre Robinson for Council reappointment, Seat 2, Ward 2, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Katie Severt for Council appointment, Seat 7, Ward 7, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024.
Approving Stephanie Randolph for Council appointment, Seat 8, Ward 8, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Angie Nelson for Council appointment, Seat 9, Ward 3, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Sonja Mydels for Council appointment, Seat 10, Ward 10, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Thuy Kim for Council appointment, Seat 18, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024.
Approving Luke Hendon for Council appointment, Seat 19, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Approving Jasmine Bloomdahl for Council appointment, Seat 20, Ward 10, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving Andre Robinson for Council reappointment, Seat 2, Ward 2, for 2 year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, and ending Dec 31, 2025.
Wonsley gives notice of intent to introduce at the next regular meeting of the City Council the subject matter of an ordinance, to be submitted to the voters at the November 5, 2024, general election, proposing amendments to Article III of the Minneapolis City Charter relating to Elections, adding a new Section 3.5 providing for initiative and referendum.
Action Taken: Notice given -
Chavez, Chughtai, and Chowdhury give notice of intent to introduce at the next regular meeting of the City Council the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Housing: Maintenance Code, amending temporary housing provisions, including Section 244.60, to develop regulations establishing authorized and regulated “safe outdoor spaces” or individualized outdoor sheltering options for people experiencing unsheltered homelessness.
Action Taken: Notice given -
Chughtai, Chavez, and Chowdhury give notice of intent to introduce at the next regular meeting of the City Council the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 11 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Health and Sanitation, adding a new Chapter 237 establishing provisions of a humane encampment response policy.
Action Taken: Notice given -
Chowdhury, Chavez, and Chughtai give notice of intent to introduce at the next regular meeting of the City Council the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Housing: Maintenance Code, amending temporary housing provisions, including Section 244.60, to establish provisions mandating regular reporting – including, but not limited to outcomes for individuals experiencing homelessness – related to encampment removals delegated by any ordinances or other City policies relating to homeless encampment removals.
Action Taken: Notice given -
Chughtai, Chowdhury, and Cashman give notice of intent to introduce at the next regular meeting of the City Council the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 40 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Workplace Regulations, adding a new Article VIII creating a process to establish a Labor Standards Board to study and report on working conditions in specific industries.
Action Taken: Notice given -
Passage of Resolution honoring February 2024 as Black History Month in the City of Minneapolis.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution recognizing January 2024 as Human Trafficking and Exploitation Awareness Month in the City of Minneapolis.
Action Taken: Adopted -
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