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Marked Agenda

A post-meeting synopsis of actions taken or decisions made on all matters.

Minneapolis City Council Agenda

City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
July 20, 2023 - 9:30 am
Room 317, City Hall
Members Present: Council Members Andrea Jenkins (President), Linea Palmisano (Vice-President), Elliott Payne, Robin Wonsley, Michael Rainville, LaTrisha Vetaw, Jeremiah Ellison, Jamal Osman, Lisa Goodman, Jason Chavez, Aisha Chughtai, Emily Koski, and Andrew Johnson
(Majority vote of all members, 7; 2/3 vote of all members, 9; quorum 7)
Clerk: Jackie Hanson, (612) 673-2216

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Adoption of the agenda.
    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Acceptance of minutes
    Action Taken: Accepted
  4. Referral of petitions, communications, and reports to the proper Committees.
    Action Taken: Referred
Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee
Jul 11, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Tom's Watch Bar, 609 Hennepin Ave, Suite #101, (Ward 3), Permanent Expansion of Premises and Sidewalk Cafe (2023-00648)
    1. Approving an application for Tom's Watch Bar, 609 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by TWB Minneapolis LLC, BLAmend, LIC408574 for a Permanent Expansion of Premises license, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances. 
    2. Approving an application for Tom's Watch Bar, 609 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by TWB Minneapolis LLC, BLFood, LIC408575 for a Sidewalk Cafe license, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances. 
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Liquor License Approvals for July 11, 2023 (2023-00651)
    1. Lunds & Byerlys Wines & Spirits, 1208 HARMON PL Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 7) submitted by Lund Beverages LLC, BLAmend, LIC409074
    2. Porzana/Flora Room At Porzana, 200 1ST ST N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by 200 Steak LLC, BLLiquor, LIC407113
    3. The Market at Malcolm Yards, 501 30TH AVE SE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 2) submitted by My Bar LLC, BLAmend, LIC408694
    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Liquor License Renewals for July 11, 2023 (2023-00659)
    View Items
    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Gambling license approvals for July 11, 2023 (2023-00647)
    1. Firefighters for Healing, 225 3RD AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Firefighters for Healing, BLGeneral, LIC409308
    2. Minneapolis Riverview Lions, 2901 LYNDALE AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Minneapolis Riverview Lions, BLGeneral, LIC409279
    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Commercial Property Development Fund (CPDF) loan to HWJ Property, LLC: 1504 44th Ave N (2023-00654)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. Contract with Heska for Dri-Chem 4000 Analyzer (2023-00655)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Youth at Work Grant Award (2023-00649)
    1. Accepting a grant from Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), in the amount of $1,550,000, for the Step Up youth employment and training program.

    2. Authorizing a grant agreement with Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for the grant.

    3. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of the grant funds to the Department of Community Planning and Economic Development.

    Action Taken: Adopted
Committee of the Whole
Jul 18, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. 3rd Precinct engagement (2023-00690)
    1. Approving a legislative directive related to the potential for co-locating Police Department (MPD) staff currently assigned to the Third Precinct within other precinct facilities.
      Action Taken: Adopted
    2. Motion by Chavez to eliminate the current Third Precinct location (3000 Minnehaha Ave) from any further consideration for a police precinct, and further that the City Council expresses its commitment not to house any police facility or functions at this site.

      Action Taken: Adopted
Policy & Government Oversight Committee
Jul 17, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Collective bargaining agreement: Stationary Engineers, Local 70 Unit, 2022 through 2025 (2023-00688)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. State and federal funding opportunities for climate change mitigation, green infrastructure, water quality, or stormwater management (2023-00671)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Contract with Medica Insurance Company for Employee Medical Plan Services (2023-00678)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Contracts for 2023 Housing Opportunities for Persons With HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) Grant Funding (2023-00689)
    1. Authorizing a contract with Aliveness Project, Inc. for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance with Supportive Housing Services for an annual amount not to exceed $392,836, for a one-year period starting Jun 1, 2023, with the option to renew for four additional one-year periods, dependent upon performance and grant funding availability.

    2. Authorizing contract with Clare Housing for Bloom Lake Flats Supportive Services for an annual amount not to exceed $94,571, for a one-year period starting Jun 1, 2023, with the option to renew for four additional one-year periods, dependent upon performance and grant funding availability.

    3. Authorizing a contract with Clare Housing for Community Care Homes Housing Case Management for an annual amount not to exceed $90,756, for a one-year period starting Jun 1, 2023, with the option to renew for four additional one-year periods, dependent upon performance and grant funding availability.

    4. Authorizing a contract with Clare Housing for Marshall Flats Supportive Services for an annual amount not to exceed $83,775, for a one-year period starting Jun 1, 2023, with the option to renew for four additional one-year periods, dependent upon performance and grant funding availability.

    5. Authorizing a contract with Clare Housing for Scattered Site Tenant-Based Rental Assistance and Housing Case Management for an annual amount not to exceed $339,341, for a one-year period starting Jun 1, 2023, with the option to renew for four additional one-year periods, dependent upon performance and grant funding availability.

    6. Authorizing contract with Rainbow Health for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance for an amount not to exceed $2,391,000, for a three-year period, starting Jun 1, 2023.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Contract amendment with Special School District No. 1 for election administration services (2023-00676)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. Contract amendment with Thomas & Sons for Signals and Pedestrian Improvements (2023-00679)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. Contract amendment with Project for Pride In Living for workforce development services (2023-00680)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  8. Contract amendment with Smart Data Solutions, LLC for scanning, record labeling, and data transfer services (2023-00681)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  9. Contract amendments for police community chaplain services (2023-00682)
    View Items
    Action Taken: Adopted
  10. Contract amendment with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. for the support and maintenance of the City's geographic information system (2023-00685)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  11. Legal Settlement: Ramone Brown v. City of Minneapolis, et al (2023-00677)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  12. Contract amendments with organizations providing services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative (2023-00684)
    1. Authorizing an increase to contract COM0003750 with Central Neighborhood Development Organization, in the amount of $139,709 for a total amount not to exceed $789,709, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative. 

      Action Taken: Adopted
    2. Authorizing an increase to contract COM0003748 with Metro Youth Diversion Center, in the amount of $283,449 for a total amount not to exceed $1,634,005, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative. 

      Action Taken: Adopted
    3. Authorizing an increase to contract COM0003749 with Restoration Inc, in the amount of $263,449 for a total amount not to exceed $1,524,709, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative. 

      Action Taken: Adopted
    4. Authorizing an increase to contract COM0006451 with Strength Group, in the amount of $139,709 for a total amount not to exceed $465,154, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative. 

      Action Taken: Adopted
    5. Authorizing an increase to contract COM0003747 with We Push for Peace, in the amount of $409,709 for a total amount not to exceed $1,244,709, and an extension through Dec 31, 2023, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative. 

      Action Taken: Adopted
    6. Authorizing an increase to contract COM00003751 with TOUCH Outreach Inc, in the amount of $555,638 for a total amount not to exceed $3,208,158, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative. 

      Action Taken: Adopted
  13. Contract amendment with Canopy Roots, LLC for Behavioral Crisis Response services (2023-00686)
    Action Taken: Adopted as amended
Public Health & Safety Committee
Jul 12, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service grant application for private property tree work (2023-00657)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Washburn Center for Children grant for School Based Clinic mental health services (2023-00658)
    1. Accepting a grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), Washburn Center for Children, in the amount of $250,000, per year for three years with a possible two-year extension for a not-to-exceed amount of $1,250,000, for School Based Clinic mental health services for the period Jul 1, 2023, to Jun 30, 2026, if extended, to Jun 30, 2028.

    2. Authorizing an agreement with the Washburn Center for Children for the additional funds.

    3. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Health Department.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Assistance to Firefighters (AFG) grant award from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for wellness and fitness programs (2023-00661)
    1. Accepting an Assistance to Firefighters grant (AFG) from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in the amount of $135,681.81, for wellness and fitness programs.

    2. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Fire Department.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Project Safe Neighborhood Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to assist sworn investigators (2023-00504)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Pollution Control Annual Registration (PCAR) program and fees legislative directive (2023-00656)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. Contracts with organizations for the Partnership Engagement Fund (2023-00529)
    View Items
    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. 2023 Climate Equity Plan (2023-00407)
    Action Taken: Adopted
Public Works & Infrastructure Committee
Jul 13, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Sidewalk repair and construction assessments (2023-00449)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Grant from State of Minnesota for the Central City Storm Tunnel Construction Project (2023-00662)
    1. Passage of Resolution accepting a grant from the State of Minnesota, in the amount of $9,900,000, for the Central City Storm Tunnel Construction Project, and authorizing an agreement for the grant.

    2. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Public Works Department.

    3. Passage of Resolution authorizing the Local Government Special Appropriation Application for the Central City Storm Tunnel Project.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Pedestrian Advisory Committee appointments (2023-00663)
    1. Approving the following Council reappointment for a two-year term beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025: Tamir Mohamud, Seat 9, Ward 6.

    2. Approving the following Council appointments for two-year terms beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2025: Zachary Wajda, Seat 1, Ward 1; Peter Grund, Seat 2, Ward 2; and Sarah Friese, Seat 6, Ward 13.

    3. Approving the following Council appointment for an unexpired two-year term beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2024: Eric Smith, Seat 14, Ward 7.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Lease with Minnesota State Patrol for storage space at the Minneapolis Impound Lot (2023-00664)
    Action Taken: Adopted

Notice of Ordinance Introductions

  1. Gas franchise fee ordinance (2023-00717)
    Action Taken: Notice given
  2. Electric franchise fee ordinance (2023-00718)
    Action Taken: Notice given


  1. Black Girl Magic honorary resolution (2023-00714)
    Action Taken: Adopted

Closed Session

  1. Litigation matter of Ewan Leask v. City of Minneapolis (2023-00716)
    Action Taken: Received and filed



Next City Council meeting: Aug 3, 2023

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