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Marked Agenda

A post-meeting synopsis of actions taken or decisions made on all matters.

Minneapolis City Council Agenda

City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
June 28, 2023 - 9:30 am
Room 317, City Hall
Members Present: Council Members Andrea Jenkins (President), Linea Palmisano (Vice-President), Elliott Payne, Robin Wonsley, Michael Rainville, LaTrisha Vetaw, Lisa Goodman, Jason Chavez, Emily Koski, and Andrew Johnson
Members Absent: Council Members Jeremiah Ellison, Jamal Osman, and Aisha Chughtai
(Majority vote of all members, 7; 2/3 vote of all members, 9; quorum 7)
Clerk: Jackie Hanson, (612) 673-2216

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Adoption of the agenda.
    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Acceptance of minutes
    Action Taken: Accepted
  4. Referral of petitions, communications, and reports to the proper Committees.
    Action Taken: Referred
  1. Market adjustment to salary schedules for non-represented and appointed employees in the Human Resources Department (2023-00575)
    1. Approving an 8% increase in non-represented Human Resources Department employees’ base salary effective July 2, 2023.

    2. Approving an 8% increase to the salary schedules for appointed Human Resources Department jobs in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective July 2, 2023.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Vacation adjustments and salary increases for eligible sworn appointed employees in the Police Department (2023-00646)
    1. Extending the previous temporary allowance of eligible sworn appointed employees in the Police Department to exceed the vacation accrual maximum of 400 hours through December 2024 with a cap of 550 hours.

      Action Taken: Adopted
    2. Approving a vacation credit pay plan for sworn appointed employees in the Police Department consistent with the agreement in place for sworn represented Police Department employees.

      Action Taken: Adopted
    3. Approving an 8% increase to the salary schedules for sworn appointed Police Department employees – excluding the Police Chief – in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials, effective July 2, 2023.

      Action Taken: Adopted
    4. Approving a retention incentive of $6500, minus withholdings, for sworn appointed employees in the Police Department – excluding the Police Chief – to be paid in the first pay period after September 30, 2023, so long as the employee remains actively employed full time and available for scheduled work in a sworn appointed position with the Police Department, from June 26, 2023, through September 30, 2023.

      Action Taken: Adopted
Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee
Jun 20, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Coalition Restaurant, 3808 50th St W, (Ward 13) for a Permanent Expansion of Premises license (2023-00608)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Puttery, 240 Hennepin Ave, (Ward 3), for an On Sale Liquor with Limited Entertainment, and Sunday Sales license (2023-00610)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Liquor license approvals for June 20, 2023 (2023-00625)
    1. Casablanca Restaurant & Lounge, 626 LAKE ST W Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by PKMA LLC, BLLiquor, LIC408436
    2. Fool Me Once, 3006 LYNDALE AVE S Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by Fool Me Once LLC, BLLiquor, LIC407038
    3. Nixta, 1222 2ND ST NE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Noreste LLC, BLLiquor, LIC407619
    4. Origami, 1354 LAGOON AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by Origami MN LLC, BLLiquor, LIC407193
    5. Hennepin Theatre Trust, 824 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 7) submitted by Hennepin Theatre Trust, BLAmend, LIC408405
    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Liquor License Renewals for June 20, 2023 (2023-00626)
    View Items
    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Grant applications to the 2023 Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) and Livable Communities Demonstration Account Transit Oriented Development (TOD) grants round (2023-00617)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. Additional Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Account Pre-development Grant Application (2023-00616)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. Alley vacation: Greenbelt Addition, 3020 & 3024 6th St N and 409, 415, 419, 427, 429 31st Ave N (2023-00628)
    1. Approving an application submitted by Project for Pride in Living to vacate (PLAN1697) the existing dead-end alley adjacent to 415, 419, 427, and 429 31st Ave N and 3020, 3023, and 3024 6th St N.

    2. Passage of Resolution vacating the existing dead-end east-west alley in Frank W. Lauderdale's Subdivision in Block 10, Morrison's Addition Vacation File No. 1697.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  8. Commercial Property Development Fund (CPDF) loan to Ergo Holdings 2, LLC: 901 West Broadway (2023-00618)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  9. Minneapolis Workforce Development Board appointments (2023-00611)
    1. Confirming the following Mayoral appointments for three-year terms, beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2026Jamie Mailer, Seat 4; Kyle Punton, Ward 13, Seat 9; Thakurdyal Singh, Ward 5, Seat 10; and Marcus Pope, Seat 15.

    2. Confirming the following Mayoral re-appointments for three-year terms, beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2026Jennifer Gilbert, Ward 1, Seat 2; Tara Watson, Seat 5; Jonathan Weinhagen, Seat 11; Dan McConnell, Ward 2, Seat 12; Aaron Hill, Seat 13; Sharon Pierce, Seat 16; Cavan Gahagan, Ward 1, Seat 17; and Thant Pearson, Seat 20.

    3. Waiving the residency requirement (Minneapolis Code of Ordinance 14.180) for Aaron Hill, Jamie Mailer, Thant Pearson, Sharon Pierce, Marcus Pope, Tara Watson, and Jonathan Weinhagen.

    Action Taken: Adopted
Policy & Government Oversight Committee
Jun 26, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Gift acceptance from DC Police Leadership Academy for travel expenses (2023-00635)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Contract amendment with, Inc. for NeoGov Applicant Tracking System for the Human Resources Department (2023-00634)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Contract amendment with HBC Acquisitions LLC for improvements at 1049 10th Ave SE (2023-00637)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Contract amendment with Hennepin Healthcare System, Inc. for fire EMS training and education services (2023-00638)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Contract amendment with CNA Consulting Engineers for construction oversight services for the Central City Parallel Tunnel Project (2023-00639)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. Contract amendment with Veit and Company, Inc. for the Bryant Ave S Street Reconstruction Project (2023-00640)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. Legal settlement: Charles Orange v. City of Minneapolis (2023-00642)
    Action Taken: Adopted as amended
  8. Litigation matter of Andre Moore v. Tony Partyka, Neal Walsh, John Doe No. 1 and No. 2, and the City of Minneapolis (2023-00459)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  9. Contract amendment with Wold Architects and Engineers for City Hall Office Space Renovation Project (2023-00636)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  10. Bid for lead hazard control (2023-00641)
    Action Taken: Adopted
Public Health & Safety Committee
Jun 21, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Police Department Bomb Squad mutual aid agreement with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Bloomington Police Department Bomb Squad, Crow Wing County Sheriffs Department Regional Bomb Squad, and St. Paul Police Department Bomb Squad for joint investigative interests (2023-00620)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Urban Area Security Initiative Grant for enhancing Emergency Management capabilities (2023-00621)
    1. Accepting a grant from the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, in the amount of $829,500, to enhance emergency management capabilities.

    2. Authorizing an agreement with the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for the grant.

    3. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Emergency Management Department.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. 2021 UASI Grant Agreement amendment with the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to support emergency management capabilities (2023-00619)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Grant application to the Department of Energy for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (2023-00622)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Environmental Protection Agency grant for air monitoring (2023-00627)
    1. Accepting a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in the amount of $411,170, for Enhanced Air Monitoring in Communities for the period Jun 1, 2023, through Nov 30, 2025.

    2. Authorizing an agreement with the EPA for the grant.

    3. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Health Department. 

    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. Promising Practices grant from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Child and Family Health Division (2023-00623)
    1. Accepting a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health Child and Family Health Division, in the amount of $250,000, for the period Jul 1, 2023, through Jun 30, 2024, with the possibility of an additional $250,000 for Jul 1, 2024, through Jun 30, 2025, to provide culturally specific family home visiting services.

    2. Authorizing an agreement with the MDH Child and Family Health Division.

    3. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Health Department.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. Sponsorship for City presence and outreach at community events (2023-00632)
    1. Authorizing a payment of sponsorship with Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board, in the amount of $2,500, for City presence and outreach at the annual Juneteenth Celebration, held on Jun 17, 2023. 

    2. Authorizing a payment of sponsorship with Ka Joog, in the amount of $8,000, for City presence and outreach at the annual Somali Week Celebrations, held on Jul 1, 2023. 

    Action Taken: Adopted
Public Works & Infrastructure Committee
Jun 22, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Taste of Minnesota Large Block Event Permit: July 2-3, 2023 (2023-00612)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Wordplay Large Block Event Permit: July 8, 2023 (2023-00613)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. North Loop Food Truck Fair Large Block Event Permit: July 16, 2023 (2023-00614)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Sewer service line repair special assessment cancellation and reassessment (2023-00615)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal Pilot Projects: High level cost analysis (2023-00645)
    Action Taken: Adopted

Introduction & Referral Calendar

  1. Exterior building materials ordinance (2023-00609)
    Action Taken: Introduced, given its first reading, and referred to BIHZ meeting of Jul 11, 2023
  2. Rent stabilization policy (2023-00572)
    Action Taken: Returned to author
  3. Zoning maps ordinance (2022-00003)
    Action Taken: Introduced, given its first reading, and referred to BIHZ meeting of Jul 11, 2023


  1. Drag performance and culture honorary resolution (2023-00667)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Andrea Brennan honorary resolution (2023-00666)
    Action Taken: Adopted


  1. Appointed position in the Office of Community Safety: Director Partnership & Outreach (2023-00480)
    1. Motion by Vetaw and Koski to:

      1. Discharge the Budget Committee from further consideration of the proposed appointed position of Director Partnership & Outreach;
      2. Adopt findings that the proposed position meets the criteria in Section 20.1010 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, City Council to Establish Positions; and
      3. Approve the establishment of the position, evaluated at 470 total points and allocated to Grade 10, in the unclassified service.
    2. Motion by Vetaw and Koski to:

      1. Discharge the Budget Committee from further consideration of the salary for the position of Director of Partnership & Outreach; and
      2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the salary schedule for the position, which has a salary range of $97,455 to $115,526, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective May 11, 2023.
    Action Taken: Adopted

Closed Session

  1. Litigation matter of Ahmad v. City of Minneapolis, et al. (2023-00668)
    Action Taken: Received and filed
  2. Litigation matter of Bligh v. Anderson, et al. (2023-00669)
    Action Taken: Received and filed



Next City Council meeting: Jul 20, 2023

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