Minneapolis City Council Agenda
City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Action Taken: Adopted as amended
Action Taken: Accepted
Action Taken: Referred
Reports of Standing Committees
Steady Pour, 2125 Hennepin Ave E, #205, (Ward 1) for an On Sale Liquor, Sunday Sales, with No Live Entertainment license (2023-00325)
Approving an application for Steady Pour, 2125 HENNEPIN AVE E Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 1) submitted by Steady Pour LLC, BLLiquor, LIC399704 for an On Sale Liquor, Sunday Sales, with No Live Entertainment license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing submittal of the 2023 HUD Consolidated Plan Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on April 17, 2023, inclusive of public comments received.
Passage of Resolution authorizing proper City officials to execute and/or carry out the intent of the 2023 Consolidated Plan program allocations (CDBG, HOME, ESG and HOPWA entitlement grants), as amended, including the 2023 Adopted Budget Schedule 4 - Housing and Urban Development Formula Grant.
Passage of Resolution authorizing proper City officials to enter into any necessary grant agreements with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to receive 2023 Consolidated Plan funding.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution approving the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan for the 1301 West Lake St project.
Authorizing a redevelopment contract or other necessary documents related to the recommended actions with CommonBond or an affiliated entity.
Approving the Seven Points market-rate project meaningful contribution to the 1301 Lake St W affordable project to fulfill the Inclusionary Zoning Off-Site Compliance requirements.
Action Taken: Adopted -
On Sale Wine License Revocation: Mary Ellen's Bistro, 300 13th Ave NE, (Ward 3) held by Mary Ellen's Bistro LLC. (2023-00321)
Approving revocation of the On Sale Wine license of Mary Ellen's Bistro, 300 13TH AVE NE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Mary Ellen's Bistro LLC, BLWine, LIC386217, due to outstanding taxes owed to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
Action Taken: Adopted -
View Items
Action Taken: Adopted
View Items
Action Taken: Adopted
Modification of an Existing Commercial Property Development Fund (CPDF) Loan to Provision LLC: 705 42nd Ave N and 4164 Aldrich Ave N (2023-00344)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0004547 with Provision LLC in the amount of $75,000 for a total Commercial Property Development Fund loan amount not to exceed $700,000 to assist in the acquisition of the commercial property at 705 42nd Ave N and the associated parking lot at 4164 Aldrich Ave N.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Granting exclusive development rights to D&T Investments LLP or related entity for five parcels of City-owned property at 2712, 2718, 2720, 2724, and 2800 Penn Ave N for up to twelve months, with the ability of the Director of Community Planning & Economic Development to grant an administrative extension for up to an additional six months as described herein.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution approving the local historic landmark designation (PLAN15961) of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 316 4th Ave SE.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving an application submitted by Ahmad Eltawely to rezone (PLAN15869) the property located at 2323 Emerson Ave N to add the SZ Split Zoning Overlay District, retaining the C1 Neighborhood Commercial District, R2B Multiple-Family District, and BFC4 Corridor 4 Built Form Overlay District.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving a $1,000,000 Great Streets Gap Financing Loan to V3 Sports, Inc., or an affiliate entity, for its V3 Sports Center at 701 Plymouth Ave N.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Agreement with Minnesota Department of Transportation for delegated authority on federal aid projects (2023-00333)
Passage of Resolution authorizing an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for delegated authority on Federal Aid projects.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Adopting findings that the proposed position of Payroll Director meets the criteria in Section 20.1010 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, City Council to Establish Positions; and approving the appointed position, evaluated at 578 total points, and allocated to Grade 12.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the salary schedule for the position, which has a salary range of $120,480 to $142,821, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective April 13, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from the National Association of County and City Health Officials of travel and lodging expenses (2023-00360)
Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel, registration, per diem, and lodging expenses from the National Association of County and City Health Organizations (NACCHO) for Deputy Commissioner of Health Initiatives and Operations Heidi Ritchie to attend the 2023 Preparedness Summit Conference in Atlanta, GA.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from the Local Public Health Association of Minnesota Executive Committee for travel and lodging expenses (2023-00362)
Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel, registration, and lodging expenses from the Local Public Health Association (LPHA) of Minnesota Executive Committee for Deputy Commissioner of Health Heidi Ritchie to attend the Rx and Illicit Drug Summit in Atlanta, GA.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution amending the 2023 General Appropriation Resolution to roll over funds from 2022 to 2023 for items that were delayed or not completed during the 2022 budget year for several operating departments.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution expressing support and solidarity with employees of Delta Air Lines unionizing and urging Delta Air Lines to practice neutrality.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving a legislative directive related to a follow-up analysis regarding the current and future property use by the Police Department and unarmed public safety workers within the various departments in the city enterprise.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving a legislative directive related to a comprehensive overview of procurement practices and policies as it relates to contracts with community groups, consulting companies, and other vendors.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the low bid of Hantho Farms, LLC, submitted on Event 2223, in the annual amount of $183,230, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for sod and turf establishment to Minnesota Department of Transportation specifications, and authorizing a contract for the project for a one-year term, from Apr 1, 2023, through Mar 31, 2024, with the option to extend for up to four twelve-month periods, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the low bid of G Urban Companies Inc., submitted on Event 2240, in the amount of $1,189,446.73, to provide all materials, labor, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the Park Lane Reconstruction Project, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract with Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District for Warehouse District activation events and safety services (2023-00359)
Authorizing a contract with Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District or its assigns, in the amount of $500,000, for Warehouse District activation events and safety services.
Passage of Resolution approving sponsorship of the 2023 Warehouse Entertainment District.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, dba Our Streets Minneapolis, for 2023 organization of Minneapolis Open Streets (2023-00239)
Authorizing an amendment to contract COM0005027 with the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, dba Our Streets Minneapolis, to update the terms and to extend the contract through Oct 27, 2023, for planning and management services for 2023 Minneapolis Open Streets.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to Contract COM0004183 with MJV Services, LLC, in the amount of $260,950.56 for a total amount not to exceed $510,000, for the initial three-year contract term, and an additional $170,000 per contract year, if extended, to furnish and deliver all labor, materials, and incidentals necessary for Graffiti Abatement, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to Contract COM0004254 with Stonepros, LLC, in the amount of $180,000 for a total not to exceed $355,000, for snow removal services for Uptown Special Services District, all in accordance with City specifications.
Authorizing an increase to Contract COM0004254 with Stonepros, LLC, in the amount of $55,000 for a total not to exceed $230,000, for snow removal services for 50th and France Services District, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Meisinger Construction Co. Inc. for the Minneapolis Convention Center Ceiling and Lighting Upgrade Project (2023-00353)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0006157 with Meisinger Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of $73,397 for a total amount not to exceed $779,746, for additional work required to complete the Minneapolis Convention Center Ceiling and Lighting Upgrade Project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with ParkMobile, LLC for mobile payment application for on-street parking (2023-00354)
Authorizing an extension to contract COM0002099 with ParkMobile, LLC, through May 31, 2023, to continue to provide a mobile device payment system for paying parking fees at meters.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0004335 with Robb Phillip Willman in the amount of $100,000 for a total amount not to exceed of $477,000, for snow plowing and removal services for the Minneapolis Convention Center, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to the annual expenditure amount for Year 2 of Contract COM0005343 with Vinco, Inc., in the amount of $994,288 for a new Year 2 contract total of $2,100,000, due to the increased need for catch basin and manhole repairs, and exercising the option to extend the contract for up to three (3) additional 12-month periods at the original estimated annual contract amount of $1,105,712 per year.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 15, Chapter 389 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Offenses--Miscellaneous: Noise, amending the noise violation exemption related to sounds associated with religious worship.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Revenue contract with University of Minnesota for bomb detection at Huntington Bank Stadium (2023-00338)
Authorizing a revenue contract with the University of Minnesota, in the amount of up to $43,008 in buyback funds, for bomb detection security services at Huntington Bank Stadium from Apr 1, 2023, through Dec 31, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Revenue contract with Downtown Improvement District (DID) for support of the Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District Summer Police and Police Reserve Program (2023-00339)
Authorizing a revenue contract with the Downtown Improvement District (DID), in the amount of up to $110,000 in buyback funds, for support of the Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District Summer Police and Police Reserve Program.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from The Minnesota State Association of Narcotics Investigators (MSANI) for travel expenses for the Police Department (2023-00342)
Passage of Resolution accepting a donation from The Minnesota State Association of Narcotics Investigators (MSANI) for travel expenses for Minneapolis Police Sergeant Andrew Schroeder to attend and present at the 2023 MSANICanAm Conference at the Grandview Lodge in Nisswa, MN from May 24-26, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Pursuant to notice, motion by Ellison and Vetaw to introduce the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Housing: Maintenance Code, for first reading and referral to the Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee, amending provisions related to mold growth, water damaged surfaces, and rainwater drainage.
Action Taken: Introduced, given its first reading, and referred to BIHZ meeting of Apr 18, 2023 -
Passage of Resolution declaring April 2023 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the City of Minneapolis.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the settlement of all claims against the City of Minneapolis and any of its named or unnamed current or former employees, including claims for attorneys’ fees and costs, asserted in the matter of John Christopher Pope, Jr., v. Derek Chauvin, et al., Civil Case Number 22-1434, in the amount of $7,500,000, payable in the following way: (1) $5,800,000 to Robins Kaplan LLP IOLTA Trust Account f/b/o John C. Pope, Jr.; (2) $1,503,537.50 to New York Life Insurance Company; and (3) $196,462.50 to Prudential Assigned Settlement Services Corporation; and authorizing the City Attorney’s Office to execute all documents necessary to effectuate this settlement.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the settlement of all claims, known or unknown, related to the claims brought in Zoya Code v. Chauvin, et. al, 22-cv-01438, in the amount of $1,375,000, according to the terms of the settlement agreement of the parties, payable to her attorneys Robins Kaplan LLP IOLTA Trust Account f/b/o Zoya Code, from Fund/Org 06940 1500100 602013 145400; and authorizing the City Attorney’s Office to execute any documents necessary for settlement.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution honoring Jennifer White for her service and dedication to the City of Minneapolis.
Action Taken: Adopted -
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- Your attendance at the meeting;
- Your name, residential address, email or phone number, or other personal contact details;
- Your comments at the meeting, whether part of a formal hearing or comment period or otherwise; and
- Any submissions you provide before or after the meeting which are included as part of the public record of the meeting.
A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05.