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Marked Agenda

A post-meeting synopsis of actions taken or decisions made on all matters.

Minneapolis City Council Agenda

City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
March 23, 2023 - 9:30 am
Room 317, City Hall
Members Present: Council Members Andrea Jenkins (President), Linea Palmisano (Vice-President), Elliott Payne, Robin Wonsley, Michael Rainville, LaTrisha Vetaw, Jeremiah Ellison, Lisa Goodman, Jason Chavez, Aisha Chughtai, Emily Koski, and Andrew Johnson
Members Absent: Council Member Jamal Osman
(Majority vote of all members, 7; 2/3 vote of all members, 9; quorum 7)
Clerk: Jackie Hanson, (612) 673-2216

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Adoption of the agenda.
    Action Taken: Adopted as amended
  3. Acceptance of minutes
    Action Taken: Accepted
  4. Referral of petitions, communications, and reports to the proper Committees.
    Action Taken: Referred
Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee
Mar 14, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Tii Cup Uptown, 2625 Hennepin Ave, (Ward 10) for an On Sale Liquor with Sunday Sales, Limited Entertainment license (2023-00208)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. 180 Degrees bond issuance host approval: 236 Clifton Ave (2023-00219)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Best Academy bond issuance: 1300 Olson Memorial Hwy (2023-00220)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. 200 Central Project Inclusionary Zoning Tax Increment Financing Plan (2023-00233)
    1. Passage of Resolution approving the Inclusionary Zoning Tax Increment Financing (IZ TIF) Plan for the 200 Central project at 200 Central Ave SE.

    2. Passage of Resolution authorizing the issuance of a "Pay-As-You-Go" TIF Note to 200 Central Holdings, LLC or a related entity in a principal amount not to exceed $16,269,000.

    3. Authorizing an Inclusionary Zoning Revenue Loss Offset Contract and other necessary documents related to the recommended actions for the 200 Central project.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Liquor license approvals for March 14, 2023 (2023-00274)
    1. EagleBOLTbar, 515 WASHINGTON AVE S Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Spirited Hospitality LLC, BLLiquor, LIC405190
    2. France 44 Events, 4351 FRANCE AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by France 44 Foods Inc, BLLiqCat, LIC406824
    3. Papa Legba's Lounge, submitted by Papa Legba's Lounge LLC, BLLiqCat, LIC406831
    4. Gai Noi, 1610 HARMON PL Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 7) submitted by Gai Noi Inc, BLLiquor, LIC406200
    5. Lush Lounge & Theater, 990 CENTRAL AVE NE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by The Rose Group, BLLiquor, LIC406767
    6. Red Cow, 2626 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Double Black Diamond Inc, BLLiqCat, LIC406835
    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. Liquor License Renewals for March 14, 2023 (2023-00290)
    View Items
    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. Gambling approvals for March 14, 2023 (2023-00272)
    1. Czech Slovak Sokol MN, 783 HARDING ST NE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Czech Slovak Sokol MN, BLGeneral, LIC406945
    2. Chops Inc, 913 LAKE ST W Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Chops Inc, BLGeneral, LIC406963
    Action Taken: Adopted
  8. 2023 Building Official Training (BOT) Grant (2023-00273)
    1. Accepting a Building Official Training (BOT) Grant from the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry in the amount of $65,000 to hire an entry-level building inspector trainee.

    2. Authorizing an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry for the grant.

    3. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  9. Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Account Pre-development Grant Applications (2023-00289)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  10. Registration of Title for City-owned Property: 1403 14th Ave N (2023-00283)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  11. MacPhail Center for Music 2021-2022 Annual Report (2023-00291)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  12. Modification of an Existing Commercial Property Development Fund (CPDF) Loan to Mayfield Real Estate Holdings LLC: 4601 Lyndale Ave N (2023-00292)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  13. HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program (HOME ARP) Funding Allocation (2023-00173)
    1. Approving the 2021 HUD Consolidated Plan Action Plan Amendment HOME American Rescue Plan(HOME-ARP) Allocation Plan.

    2. Directing staff to submit the 2021 HUD Consolidated Plan Action Plan Amendment HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Allocation Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on or before March 31, 2023, inclusive of public comments received.

    3. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of additional HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funding allocation to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  14. 2023 Consolidated Plan/Action Plan budget adjustments (2023-00294)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  15. Rezoning: Matt Finn, on behalf of Simpson Housing Services, Inc., 2730, 2734, and 2740 1st Ave S (2023-00270)
    1. Approving an application submitted by Matt Finn, on behalf of Simpson Housing Services, Inc., to rezone (PLAN15761) the properties located at 2730, 2734, and 2740 1st Ave S from R2B Multiple-Family District to R6 Multiple-Family District, with the properties located at 2734 and 2740 1st Ave S retaining the BFC6 Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District.

    2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

    3. Approving an application submitted by Matt Finn, on behalf of Simpson Housing Services, Inc., to rezone (PLAN15761) the property located at 2730 1st Ave S from BFI3 Interior 3 Built Form Overlay District to BFC6 Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District.

    4. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

    Action Taken: Adopted
Policy & Government Oversight Committee
Mar 20, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Appointed position in the Health Department: Workforce Director-Health (2023-00317)
    1. Adopting findings that the proposed position of Workforce Director - Health meets the criteria in Section 20.1010 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, City Council to Establish Positions; and approving the appointed position, evaluated at 555 total points, and allocated to Grade 12.

    2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the salary schedule for the position, which has a salary range of $114,090 to $135,247, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective Mar 23, 2023.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Three appointed positions in the Office of Public Service: Deputy City Operations Officers (2023-00320)
    1. Deleting from the agenda findings that the three proposed positions of Deputy City Operations Officer meet the criteria in Section 20.1010 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, City Council to Establish Positions; and approving the appointed positions, evaluated at 800 total points, and allocated to Grade 17.

    2. Deleting from the agenda consideration of an ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the salary schedule for the three positions, which have a salary range of $165,652 to $196,370, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective March 23, 2023.

    Action Taken: Deleted from the agenda
  3. Collective bargaining agreement: IATSE Stage Technicians Unit, 2023 through 2025 (2023-00315)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Gift acceptance from the National Association of County and City Health Officials of travel and lodging expenses (2023-00300)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. Gift acceptance from Lyft Bikes and Scooters, LLC and from Nice Ride Minnesota for bike and scooter parking equipment (2023-00310)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. Gift acceptance from the Association of Food and Drug Officials of travel and lodging expenses (2023-00316)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. Gift acceptance from the National Association of County and City Health Officials of travel and lodging expenses (2023-00318)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  8. 2023 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (2023-00268)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  9. Agreement with Acorn Mini Storage IV LLC for access over the property at 2547 5th St NE (2023-00309)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  10. Bid for Pump Station 4/9 Added Fuel for Generators (2023-00311)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  11. Bid for 15th St Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation (2023-00312)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  12. Bid For Hennepin Avenue at 10th Street Parking Ramp Fan Replacement Project (2023-00313)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  13. Bid for Ramp B Chiller Replacement (2023-00314)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  14. Contract amendment with Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. for engineering and design services for 37th Ave NE Street Reconstruction Project (2023-00302)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  15. Contract amendment with CSC Cybertek Corporation for providing a Risk Management Information and Claims Processing System (2023-00303)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  16. Contract amendment with SeeClickFix for providing a resident reporting tool (2023-00304)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  17. Contract amendment with Northland Business Systems for Dictation Software Services and Devices (2023-00307)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  18. Contract amendments for Alley Snow Plowing services (2023-00308)
    1.  Authorizing an increase to Contract COM0006078 with AAA Building Maintenance Company, LLC, in the amount of $126,000 for a total not to exceed $241,000, for alley snow plowing services, all in accordance with City specifications.

    2. Authorizing an increase to Contract COM0006079 with Stonepros, LLC, in the amount of $140,500 for a total not to exceed $264,250, for alley snow plowing services, all in accordance with City specifications.

    3. Authorizing an increase to Contract COM0006080 with Kevitt Excavating, LLC, in the amount of $661,000 for a total not to exceed $1,098,500 for alley snow plowing services, all in accordance with City specifications.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  19. Legal Settlement: Nicholas Hernandez v. City of Minneapolis, et al (2023-00298)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  20. Legal Settlement: Brooks v. City of Minneapolis, et al (2023-00299)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  21. Contracts with agencies for services under the Group Violence Intervention Strategy (2023-00322)
    1. Authorizing a contract with Cause and Effect, in the amount not to exceed $150,000, for the contract term March 15, 2023, through December 31, 2024, for youth and adult outreach and services in North and South Minneapolis.

    2. Authorizing a contract with One Family, One Community, in the amount not to exceed $163,333, for the contract term March 15, 2023, through December 31, 2024, for adult outreach and services in North Minneapolis neighborhoods.

    3. Authorizing a contract with Urban Youth Conservation, in the amount not to exceed $350,000, for the contract term March 15, 2023, through December 31, 2024, for adult outreach and services in North Minneapolis neighborhoods.

    4. Authorizing a contract with W Berry Consulting LLC, in the amount not to exceed $268,333, for the contract term March 15, 2023, through December 31, 2024, for adult outreach and services in North Minneapolis neighborhoods.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  22. Bid for Water Main Cleaning and Lining (2023-00323)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  23. New form contract for Memorandums of Agreement for Housing and Urban Development environmental coordination and review among state and local partners (2023-00324)
    Action Taken: Adopted
Public Health & Safety Committee
Mar 15, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) grant for erosion and sediment control enforcement (2023-00288)
    1. Accepting a grant from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO), in the amount of $19,200, to hire interns to assist in erosion and sediment control enforcement for the period of Jan 1, 2023, through Dec 15, 2023.

    2. Authorizing an agreement with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization for the grant.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Arts Commission Appointments (2023-00297)
    1. Approving the following Council reappointments for a three-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2025: Mandi Bedbury, Seat 5, Ward 10; and Lana Aylesworth, Seat 8, Ward 11. 

    2. Confirming the following Mayoral reappointment for a three-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2025: Jeffrey Swinton, Seat 7, Ward 7.

    3. Approving the following Council appointment for an unexpired three-year term beginning Jan 1, 2021, and ending Dec 31, 2023: Jaspar Lepak, Seat 3, Ward 11.

    4. Confirming the following Mayoral appointments for a three-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2025: Michelle van Kuijk, Seat 4, Ward 12; and Leni Moore, Seat 15, Ward 7.

    Action Taken: Adopted
Public Works & Infrastructure Committee
Mar 16, 2023 - Committee Report
  1. 2023 Street Lighting Replacement: Project designation (2023-00275)
    1. Passage of Resolution designating the location of lighting improvements proposed to be made in the 2023 Street Lighting Replacement Project, Special Improvement of Existing Street No. 2359.

    2. Adopting report receiving cost estimate in the amount of $3,054,206, directing the preparation of proposed special assessments against the list of benefitted properties, and setting a public hearing for May 4, 2023, to consider the project and assessments.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. Metropolitan Council Municipal Infiltration and Inflow grant for cured-in-place pipe lining and sewer repairs (2023-00276)
    1. Passage of Resolution authorizing execution of a state bond funded grant agreement with the Metropolitan Council to accept up to $375,859 for CIPP (cured-in-place pipe) lining and repairs of existing sewers that have taken place between Jan 1, 2021, and Dec 31, 2022, pursuant to the Metropolitan Council Municipal Infiltration/Inflow Grant Program.

    2. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Public Works Department.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  3. Lease agreements with Greyhound Lines, Inc. and Minnesota Department of Transportation for relocation of Greyhound Lines from Hawthorne Transportation Center to Ramp B (2023-00284)
    1. Authorizing a lease agreement with Greyhound Lines, Inc. for the relocation of Greyhound Lines, Inc. from the Hawthorne Transportation Center to Ramp B.

    2. Authorizing a lease agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to allow lobby space in Ramp B to be used by Greyhound Lines, Inc.

    Action Taken: Adopted
  4. Pillsbury Ave S bridge over Midtown Greenway: Easement negotiation (2023-00277)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  5. 10th Ave S bridge over Midtown Greenway: Easement negotiation (2023-00278)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  6. METRO Blue Line Extension Community Advisory Committee appointment (2023-00279)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  7. Lease amendment with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for storage space in Ramp B (2023-00280)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  8. Funding agreement with Mississippi Watershed Management Organization for 35W South Modeling and Model Conversion Project (2023-00285)
    Action Taken: Adopted

Notice of Ordinance Introductions

  1. Mold ordinance (2023-00347)
    Action Taken: Notice given


  1. Anita Roby honorary resolution (2023-00212)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. 2023 International Transgender Day of Visibility honorary resolution (2023-00348)
    Action Taken: Adopted

Closed Session

  1. In Re National Opioid Settlement (2023-00319)
    Action Taken: Received and filed


  1. Giovanni Velez honorary resolution (2023-00349)
    Action Taken: Adopted
  2. In Re National Opioid Settlement (2023-00319)
    Action Taken: Adopted



Next City Council meeting: Mar 30, 2023

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  • Your attendance at the meeting;
  • Your name, residential address, email or phone number, or other personal contact details;
  • Your comments at the meeting, whether part of a formal hearing or comment period or otherwise; and
  • Any submissions you provide before or after the meeting which are included as part of the public record of the meeting.

A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05.