Minneapolis City Council Agenda
City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Action Taken: Adopted
Action Taken: Accepted
Action Taken: Referred
Reports of Standing Committees
Boludo, 2935 Girard Ave S, (Ward 10) for an On Sale Liquor, No Live Entertainment, with Sunday Sales License (2023-00213)
Approving an application for Boludo, 2935 GIRARD AVE S Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by Boludo-Uptown LLC, BLLiquor, LIC405671,for an On Sale Liquor, No Live Entertainment, with Sunday Sales License, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative, 1712 Marshall St NE, (Ward 3) for an On Sale Liquor Taproom and an Off Sale Malt Liquor License (2023-00155)
Approving an application for Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative, 1712 MARSHALL ST NE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative, BLBrewery, LIC405061, for an On Sale Liquor, Taproom License, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Approving an application for Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative, 1712 MARSHALL ST NE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative, BLBrewery, LIC406220, for an Off Sale Malt Liquor License, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Tap In, 2618 Lowry Ave N, (Ward 4) for an On Sale Liquor with General Entertainment and Sunday Sales License (2023-00218)
Denying an application for Tap In, 2618 LOWRY AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 4) submitted by Tap In LLC, BLLiquor, LIC404288 for an On Sale Liquor with General Entertainment and Sunday Sales License, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Action Taken: Deleted from the agenda -
Granting an appeal submitted by Mark Thieroff regarding the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment denying a variance (PLAN15788) to increase the maximum gross floor area for a proposed expanded coffeeshop for the property located at 945 Broadway St NE; and adopting Findings of Fact as drafted by the City Attorney's Office.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gold Room Restaurant and Lounge, 528 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by DGB Management LLC, BLAmend, LIC406599
Luminary Arts Center, 700 1ST ST N Minneapolis, MN, submitted by The Minnesota Opera, BLWine, LIC403839
France 44 Cheese Shop, 4351 FRANCE AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by France 44 Foods Inc, BLWine, LIC406543
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gold Room Restaurant and Lounge, 528 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by DGB Management LLC, BLAmend, LIC406599
View Items
Action Taken: Adopted
Amending the 2023 License Fee Schedule related to maximum fees for Class A Motor Vehicle Services.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Confirming the following Mayoral appointment for an unexpired three-year term, beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2023: Cavan Gahagan, Seat 17, Ward 1.
Confirming the following Mayoral appointment for an unexpired three-year term, beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2024: Leona Martin, Seat 19.
Waiving the residency requirement (Minneapolis Code of Ordinance 14.180) for Leona Martin.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing the submittal of a grant application to Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, in the amount of $1,700,000 over two years, for the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024-2025 Youth at Work competitive grant.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Fall 2022 brownfield grants from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), and the Metropolitan Council’s Seeding Equitable Economic Development (SEED) account, and Hennepin County’s Environmental Response Fund (ERF) (2023-00231)
Accepting grants from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), in the total amount of $1,709,551, for the following projects: 200 Central, 113 2nd St SE and 200 Central Ave SE ($308,135); 2301 California St NE – Canvas Apts, 2301 California St NE and 78 23rd Ave NE ($508,359); 3030 Nicollet project, 3030 Nicollet Ave ($274,434); Northrup King, 1500 Jackson St NE ($377,573); and Seven Points Redevelopment, 3005 Hennepin Ave ($241,050).
Accepting a grant from the Metropolitan Council's Seeding Equitable Economic Development (SEED) account, in the total amount of $28,900, for the following project: 1301 W Lake, 1301 and 1409 W Lake St.
Accepting grants from Hennepin County’s Environmental Response Fund (ERF), in the total amount of $306,369, for the following projects: 200 Central project, 113 2nd St SE and 200 Central Ave SE ($50,719); Emerson Village, 1800 and 1826 Emerson Ave N ($92,617); and Seven Points Redevelopment, 3005 Hennepin Ave ($163,033).
Authorizing contracts or agreements with DEED, the Metropolitan Council, and Hennepin County for the aforesaid grants.
Authorizing execution of one or more funding agreements with each of the sub-recipients identified below (or an affiliated entity) and/or disbursement and related agreements for these grants.
Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting 2022 Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) Development grants in the amount of $750,000 for the Emerson Village project at 1800 Emerson Ave N; $500,000 for the 2843 Building project at 2843 26th Ave S; and $2,000,000 for the Upper Harbor Terminal Redevelopment - Parcel 6A project at 3700 Washington Ave N.
Accepting 2022 Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account-Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Development grants in the amount of $1,500,000 for the 3030 Nicollet project at 3030 Nicollet Ave S; and $500,000 for the ZaRah project at 1200 West Broadway Ave.
Accepting 2022 Metropolitan Council Local Housing Incentive Account (LHIA) grants in the amount of $750,000 for the Native American Community Clinic Housing (NACC-Housing) project at 1213 Franklin Ave E; $950,000 for the Whittier Community Housing project at 2609 Blaisdell Ave; $185,000 for the Northside Home project at 811 31st Ave N, 2704 Bryant Ave N, and 2914 Dupont Ave N; and $125,000 for the Homeownership within Reach project at 2207 4th St N and 2207 Queen Ave N.
Authorizing agreements to implement the LCDA, TOD, and LHIA grants with the Metropolitan Council, CB Whittier Housing Development LLC, Emerson Village LLC, Project for Pride in Living, Urban Homeworks, Black Mountain LLC, Building Blocks, Inc/United Properties, 1200 West Broadway, LLC, Wellington Management, or related entities.
Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Amendment to Emergency Solutions Grant Supplemental Funding (ESG-CV) Rapid Rehousing funding recommendations and Joint Powers Agreement (2023-00234)
Approving an increase in the award of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) grant funds to Aliveness by $65,000 for a new not to exceed total award of up to $838,838.
Approving an increase in the award of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) grant funds to Vail Place by $114,117 for a new not to exceed total award of up to $1,219,472.
Approving a reduction in the award of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) grant funds to Youth Link by $179,117 for a new not to exceed total award of up to $223,570.
Approving a reduction in the award of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) grant funds to Hennepin County by $100,000 for administration of the Joint Powers Agreement for a new not to exceed total award of up to $25,000.
Authorizing an amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement with Hennepin County to administer Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV) Rapid Rehousing Funds consistent with this report.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Rezoning: Timothy Baylor with JADT Development Group, 1823, 1827, 1831, 1835 and 1839 Bryant Ave N (2023-00180)
Approving an application submitted by Timothy Baylor with JADT Development Group to rezone (PLAN15736) the property located at 1839 Bryant Avenue North from the R4 Multiple-family District to the R5 Multiple-family District, and removing the TP Transitional Parking Overlay District.
Approving an application submitted by Timothy Baylor with JADT Development Group to rezone (PLAN15736) the properties located at 1823, 1827, 1831, and 1835 Bryant Avenue North from the R2B Multiple-family District to the R5 Multiple-family District.
Approving an application submitted by Timothy Baylor with JADT Development Group to rezone (PLAN15736) the properties located at 1823, 1827, 1831, 1835, and 1839 Bryant Avenue North from the BFI3 Interior 3 Built Form Overlay District to the BFC6 Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving an application submitted by Exeter Marshall to rezone (PLAN15641) the properties located at 1500 and 1516 Marshall Street NE from the I2 Medium Industrial District to the C3A Community Activity Center District, retaining the BFC6 Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District, SH Shoreland Overlay District, and MR Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area Overlay District.
Approving an application submitted by Exeter Marshall to rezone (PLAN15641) the property located at 1600 Marshall Street NE from the I1 Light Industrial District to the C3A Community Activity Center District, retaining the BFC6 Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District, SH Shoreland Overlay District, and MR Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area Overlay District.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.
Approving an application submitted by Exeter Marshall to vacate (VAC-1775) a portion of Water Street, between the Mississippi River and Marshall Street.
Passage of Resolution vacating that part of Water Street, between the Mississippi River and Marshall Street (VAC-1775).
Approving an application submitted by Exeter Marshall to vacate (VAC-1776) a portion of 15th Street NE, between the Mississippi River and Marshall Street.
Passage of Resolution vacating that part of 15th Street NE, between the Mississippi River and Marshall Street.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Alley vacation: New Life Properties LLC, the east-west alley between Chicago and Elliot Avenues, south of E 54th St (2023-00179)
Approving an application submitted by New Life Properties LLC to vacate (VAC-1770 ) the east-west alley between Chicago and Elliot Avenues, south of E 54th St.
Passage of Resolution vacating the east-west alley between Chicago and Elliot Avenues, south of E 54th St (VAC-1770).
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving an application submitted by North Loop Partners, LP to vacate (VAC-1765) the public alley between 6th Ave N and 7th Ave N adjacent to 601 Washington Ave N.
Passage of Resolution vacating the public alley between 6th Ave N and 7th Ave N adjacent to 601 Washington Ave N (VAC-1765).
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a $500,000 Great Streets Gap Financing loan to the Cultural Wellness Center or its assigns to assist in the acquisition and/or redevelopment of 3800 3rd Ave S.
Authorizing a multijurisdictional agreement with Hennepin County to facilitate a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) grant for the Dreamland on 38th project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution expressing support for the University of Minnesota Graduate Labor Union - United Electrical and urging the University of Minnesota to practice neutrality through the duration of the unionization process and to exercise good faith in any future bargaining.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Amending the Legislative Agenda and Policy Positions to reflect changes related to the classification of public safety complaint data.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Amending the Legislative Agenda and Policy Positions to reflect changes related to tuition-free higher education programs.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Amending the Legislative Agenda and Policy Positions to support legislation that would clarify acceptable conduct at Open Meetings.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Amending the Legislative Agenda and Policy Positions to support legislation that would provide for the safety of public officials and employees.
Action Taken: Adopted
Amending the Federal Legislative Agenda to include recommendations seeking support for local authority related to telecommunications infrastructure.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from the National Association of County and City Health Officials of travel and lodging expenses (2023-00261)
Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel and lodging expenses from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) for Heidi Ritchie, Interim Health Commissioner, to attend the Big Cities Health Coalition Winter Member Meeting in Washington, DC.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from Amplio Economic Development Corporation of travel and lodging expenses (2023-00262)
Passage of Resolution accepting a gift of travel and lodging expenses from Amplio Economic Development Corporation for James Terrell to attend the 2022 National Association of Development Companies (NADCO) annual meeting in Denver, Colorado.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center for travel, lodging, and meals (2023-00263)
Passage of Resolution accepting gift of travel, lodging, and meals from Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center for a supervisor of election administration to participate on a panel related to Ranked Choice Voting implementation in Washington, DC.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution establishing the 2023 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization.
Approving policies and procedures to be followed during meetings of the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization.
Approving the appointment of the following individuals to constitute the 2023 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization: Stephen Bodurtha, Seat 1; Donald Palmer, Seat 2; and John Chau, Seat 3.
Waiving the residency requirement (Minneapolis Code of Ordinances 14.80) for Stephen Bodurtha, Donald Palmer, and John Chau.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Amending the 2023 General Appropriation resolution; decreasing the Racial Equity, Inclusion and Belonging appropriation; increasing the Office of Public Service appropriation (2023-00265)
Passage of Resolution amending the 2023 General Appropriation Resolution by decreasing the Racial Equity, Inclusion and Belonging General Fund budget by $30,000 and increasing the Community Planning & Economic Development General fund budget by $30,000 for Black Business Week.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the low bid of Cy-Con, Inc., submitted on Event 2281, in the amount of $283,814, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for the Ramp A Escalator Removal project, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the sole bid of ABM Equipment, LLC submitted on Event No. 2251, in the amount of $630,808, to furnish, mount and deliver Refuse Packer Bodies and Tipper Assemblies, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Bid for the Upper Harbor Terminal - Lower Dowling Ave, 33rd Ave, and W River Road Construction Project (2023-00250)
Accepting the low bid of Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. submitted on Event 2234, in the amount of $8,795,007.91, to provide all materials, labor, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the Upper Harbor Terminal - Lower Dowling Ave, 33rd Ave, and W River Road Construction Project, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract with Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. for Engineering and Design Services for Nicollet Avenue Street Construction and Bridge Reconstruction (2023-00252)
Authorizing a contract with Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc., in the amount of $2,472,438.06, for Engineering and Design Services for Nicollet Avenue Street Construction and Bridge Reconstruction.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a contract with Restorative Justice Community Action (RJCA), in the amount of $290,000, for a three-year term, 2023-2026, with the option to extend for two one-year extensions, for restorative justice services.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Tetra Tech, Inc for National Incident Management System reset exercises (2023-00251)
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0006225 with Tetra Tech, Inc, in the amount of $20,671.50 for atotal amount not to exceed $314,328.71, for the addition of a single command exercise to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) reset project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Urban Design Perspectives for continuing work on the Climate Equity Plan (2023-00253)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0004721 with Urban Design Perspectives, in the amount of $67,200 for a total amount not to exceed $217,200, and extending the term through Sep 30, 2023, for continuing work on the Climate Equity Plan.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Stantec, Inc. for engineering and design services for the Upper Harbor Terminal Project (2023-00254)
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0002570 with Stantec, Inc., in the amount of $747,796 for a total amount not to exceed $3,370,603, for additional engineering and design services for the Upper Harbor Terminal Project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Deloitte Consulting LLP. for additional compensation consulting services (2023-00255)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. C-4107 with Deloitte Consulting LLP in the amount of $25,000 for a new total amount not to exceed $200,000, and an extension through July 1, 2023, for compensation consulting services.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendments with organizations providing services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative (2023-00257)
Deleting from the agenda an increase to contract COM0003751 with Corcoran Neighborhood Organization, in the amount of $228,920, for a new total amount not to exceed $2,028,920, and an extension through Dec 31, 2023, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative.
Action Taken: Deleted from the agenda -
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0003748 with Metro Youth Diversion Center, in the amount of $426,260, for a new total amount not to exceed $1,350,556, and an extension through Dec 31, 2023, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0003749 with Restoration, Inc., in the amount of $426,260, for a new total amount not to exceed $1,261,260, and an extension through Dec 31, 2023, for violence interruption and outreach services under the MinneapolUS Strategic Outreach Initiative.
Action Taken: Adopted
Authorizing contract amendments to agreements with Tacoumba Aiken, a.k.a Tyrone Aiken; Mica Lee Anders; Roger Cummings; Patrick Cunningham; Angela Davis; Loretta Day; Christopher Aaron Deanes; Adrienne Doyle; Jeremiah Bey Ellison; Jordan M. Hamilton; Christopher Harrison; Seitu Jones; Sayge Caroll (formerly Christine Laramy); Esther Osayande; and Chris Scott, for the John Biggers Seed public art project on Minnesota Department of Transportation Bridge No. 27785.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a contract with National Forum for Black Public Administrators, in the amount of $15,000, for a recruitment table at the FORUM 2023 event, held April 26, 2023, through April 30, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Grant application to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) for the new REACH grant (2023-00222)
Authorizing the submittal of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease and Control for the Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) grant, in the amount of $500,000 - $1,500,000 per year for a five-year period, Aug 30, 2023, through Aug 30, 2028, to improve health, prevent chronic diseases, and reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic populations with the highest risk of chronic disease.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from the Federal Bureau of Investigations for travel expenses for the Police Department (2023-00223)
Passage of Resolution accepting a donation from the Federal Bureau of Investigations for travel expenses for Police Sergeant Thomas Subject to attend a re-certification training course Electronic Countermeasure Operations Mar 26, 2023, through Apr 1, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals for travel expenses for Police Department (2023-00226)
Passage of Resolution accepting a donation from the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals for travel expenses for Police Sergeant Dean Kriegel to attend the 2023 Association of Threat Assessment Professionals Winter Conference from Feb 6-11, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Gift acceptance from East Lake Isles Residents Association for purchase of a fixed camera for public safety purposes (2023-00247)
Passage of Resolution accepting a donation from East Lake Isle Residents Association for purchase of a fixed camera for public safety purposes.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Police Bomb Disposal Unit Services grant from Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management (2023-00227)
Accepting a grant from Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management, in the amount of $180,000, for Police Bomb Disposal equipment and training for the year 2023.
Authorizing an agreement with Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management for the approved grant award.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a revenue contract with SMG, in the amount of $75,000, for law enforcement equipment at US Bank Stadium from Apr 1, 2023, through Mar 31, 2024.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a revenue contract with SMG, in the amount of $537,600, for bomb detection security services at US Bank Stadium during large-scale events from Apr 1, 2023, through Mar 31, 2024.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a revenue contract with SMG, in the amount of $378,000, for SWAT security services at US Bank Stadium from Apr 1, 2023, through Mar 31, 2024.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the following Council appointment for an unexpired two-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024: Gary Simpson, Seat 7, Ward 7.
Approving the following Council reappointments for two-year terms beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024: Melinda Ludwiczak, Seat 8, Ward 8; and Shelley Jacobson, Seat 12, Ward 12.
Confirming the following Mayoral reappointment for a two-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024: Angelique Kingsbury, Seat 14, Ward 5.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution adopting the Minneapolis Food Vision.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution ordering the work to proceed and adopting special assessments in the amount of $324,240.45 for the 46th Ave S Street Resurfacing Project No. 2348D (CPV2356).
Passage of Resolution requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation authorize the City's issuance and sale of assessment bonds in the amount of $324,240.45 for the project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution ordering the work to proceed and adopting special assessments in the amount of $928,042.44 for the Minnehaha Residential Street Resurfacing Project No. 2348F (CPV2356).
Passage of Resolution requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation authorize the City's issuance and sale of assessments bonds in the amount of $928,042.44 for the project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution ordering the work to proceed and adopting special assessments in the amount of $102,799.56 for the Park Ave S Street Resurfacing Project No. 2348E (CPV2356).
Passage of Resolution requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation authorize the City's issuance and sale of assessment bonds in the amount of $102,799.56 for the project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Hennepin Ave S Streetscape (Lake St W to Franklin Ave W): Project approval and assessment (2023-00238)
Passage of Resolution ordering the work to proceed and adopting special assessments in the amount of $440,000 for the Hennepin Ave S (Lake St W to 28th St W) Streetscape Project No. 6776 (PV158).
Passage of Resolution requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation authorize the City's issuance and sale of assessment bonds in the amount of $440,000 for the Hennepin Ave S (Lake St W to 28th St W) Streetscape Project.
Passage of Resolution ordering the work to proceed and adopting special assessments in the amount of $600,000 for the Hennepin Ave S (28th St W to Franklin Ave W) Streetscape Project No. 6776 (PV158).
Passage of Resolution requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation authorize the City's issuance and sale of assessment bonds in the amount of $600,000 for the Hennepin Ave S (28th St W to Franklin Ave W) Streetscape Project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Mill District (1st St S, 2nd St S, and 13th Ave S) Street Resurfacing: Project designation, cost estimate, and setting public hearing (2023-00240)
Passage of Resolution designating the location and improvements proposed to be made in the Mill District (1st St S, 2nd St S, and 13th Ave S) Street Resurfacing Project, Special Improvement of Existing Street No. 2348G (CPV2356).
Adopting report receiving the cost estimate in the amount of $566,651.44, directing the preparation of proposed special assessments against the list of benefited properties, and setting a public hearing for April 20, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution updating the Parking and Mobility Services Fee and Rate Schedule to incorporate fees related to the Street Cafe Program.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Upper Harbor Terminal: Construction of public infrastructure improvements and District Stormwater System (2023-00242)
Passage of Resolution accepting a $9,000,000 grant from the State of Minnesota through its Department of Employment and Economic Development to support an initial phase of redevelopment of the Upper Harbor Terminal, and authorizing execution of a grant agreement upon satisfactory review by the City Attorney’s Office.
Authorizing a Reciprocal Operating and Easement Agreement with Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO), Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB), and consented to by United Properties Development, LLC and Port of Minneapolis, LLC for a district stormwater system on the Upper Harbor site.
Delegating authority to the Director of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) to execute Transfer and Joinder (and possible Easement Modification) Agreements with each future developer participant in the district stormwater system.
Passage of Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a Phasing Loan Agreement with MWMO in connection with the Upper Harbor District Stormwater Project.
Authorizing acceptance of a grant from MWMO in the amount of $8,160 and execution of a grant agreement.
Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of $8,160 to the Public Works Department.
Authorizing execution of an Access Agreement across the Upper Harbor site in favor of the MWMO.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Adopting the Minneapolis Racial Equity Framework for Transportation.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Pursuant to notice, motion by Chavez and Payne to introduce the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Housing: Maintenance Code, for first reading and referral to the Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee, amending provisions related to the prohibition of skateboard ramps or structures.
Action Taken: Introduced, given its first reading, and referred to BIHZ meeting of Mar 14, 2023 -
Pursuant to notice, motion by Johnson to introduce an ordinance amending Title 11 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Health and Sanitation, for first reading and referral to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee, amending regulations governing solid waste, recycling, and graffiti abatement:
- Chapter 225 Garbage and Refuse.
- Chapter 226 Graffiti Nuisance Property.
Pursuant to notice, motion by Johnson to introduce an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances Housing: Maintenance Code, for first reading and referral to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee, amending regulations governing the discontinuance of required utility services.
Pursuant to notice, motion by Johnson to introduce an ordinance amending Title 19 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Water, Stormwater and Sanitary Sewers, amending regulations governing ownership of waterlines and utility appeals:
- Chapter 509 Water Works.
- Chapter 510 Stormwater Management System and Operation of a Stormwater Utility.
Action Taken: Introduced, given its first reading, and referred to PWI meeting of Mar 16, 2023 -
Motion by Goodman to amend the prior introduction of the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code, implementing the land use policies of Minneapolis 2040, including repealing all existing chapters within the Zoning Code, establishing new zoning chapters and zoning districts, and replacing citywide primary and overlay district maps accordingly, and to refer the matter to the Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee:
- Replacing Chapter 520 Introductory Provisions with General Provisions.
- Repealing Chapter 521 Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.
- Replacing Chapter 525 Administration and Enforcement with Administration and Procedures.
- Repealing Chapter 527 Planned Unit Development.
- Repealing Chapter 529 Interim Ordinances.
- Replacing Chapter 530 Site Plan Review with Zoning Districts.
- Repealing Chapter 531 Nonconforming Uses and Structures.
- Replacing Chapter 535 Regulations of General Applicability with Overlay Districts.
- Repealing Chapter 536 Specific Development Standards.
- Repealing Chapter 537 Accessory Uses and Structures.
- Adding a new Chapter 540 Built Form Overlay Districts.
- Repealing Chapter 541 Off-Street Parking, Loading, and Mobility.
- Repealing Chapter 543 On-Premises Signs.
- Repealing Chapter 544 Off-Premise Signs and Billboards.
- Adding a new Chapter 545 Use Regulations.
- Repealing Chapter 546 Residence Districts.
- Repealing Chapter 547 Office Residence Districts.
- Repealing Chapter 548 Commercial Districts.
- Repealing Chapter 549 Downtown Districts.
- Replacing 550 Industrial Districts with Development Standards.
- Repealing Chapter 551 Overlay Districts.
- Repealing Chapter 552 Built Form Overlay Districts.
- Adding a new Chapter 555 Off-Street Parking, Loading, and Mobility.
- Adding a new Chapter 560 Signs.
- Adding a new Chapter 565 Definitions.
Action Taken: Introduced, given its first reading, and referred to BIHZ meeting of Mar 14, 2023 -
Passage of Resolution honoring Women's History Month.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution honoring Dr. Vincent "Peter" Hayden and his 50 years of sobriety.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Adopting findings that the proposed position of Assistant Police Chief meets the criteria in Section 20.1010 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, City Council to Establish Positions; and approving the appointed position, evaluated at 763 total points, and allocated to Grade 16.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the salary schedule for the position, which has a salary range of $159,921 to $189,576, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective February 23, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Adopting findings that the proposed position of civilian Police Chief of Staff meets the criteria in Section 20.1010 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, City Council to Establish Positions; and approving the appointed position, evaluated at 678 total points, and allocated to Grade 15.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the salary schedule for the position, which has a salary range of $139,977 to $165,933, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective February 23, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the settlement of claims asserted in Mai Yang Yang, et. al. v. City of Minneapolis, et. al., U.S. District Court File No. 21-CV-02658 (ADM/ECW), pursuant to the following terms:
- The City of Minneapolis shall pay May Jung IOLTA $700,000, from Fund/Org 06940-1500100-602004-145400;
- The Plaintiffs release the Defendants of all claims against them; and
- The City Attorney’s Office is authorized to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement and dismissal.
Action Taken: Adopted -
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- Any submissions you provide before or after the meeting which are included as part of the public record of the meeting.
A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05.