Minneapolis City Council Agenda
City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Action Taken: Adopted
Action Taken: Accepted
Action Taken: Referred
Reports of Standing Committees
Passage of Resolution authorizing the sideyard sale of Lot 3 (the easterly half approximately 1,833.5 SF) of the property located at 1804 31st St E (Disposition Parcel No. 2N-048) to Matthew Stanoch for $1,500, subject to conditions.
Passage of Resolution authorizing the sideyard sale of Lot 4 (the westerly half approximately 1,833.5 SF) of the property located at 1804 31st St E (Disposition Parcel No. 2N-048) to David Bassekle for $1,500, subject to conditions.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving an application submitted by Barbara Novy for an interim use permit (PAN15460) to allow two portable classrooms until June 13, 2024, for the property located at 4530 Lyndale Ave S, subject to conditions.
Action Taken: Adopted -
2022 Levy for Special Assessments relating to nuisance condition abatement, unpaid administrative enforcement fees and fines, Tenant Remedy Act, and renter relocation assistance (2022-01032)View ItemsAction Taken: Adopted
Variances and site plan review appeal: Sarah Walbridge-Jones, 613 and 623 Van Buren St NE (2022-01031)
Denying an appeal submitted by Sarah Walbridge-Jones regarding the following decisions of the City Planning Commission (PLAN15304) to allow the construction of a new six-story multiple-family dwelling containing 64 dwelling units at 613 and 623 Van Buren St NE:
- Approving a variance to reduce the front yard setback adjacent to Van Buren Street Northeast from 28.9 feet to 15 feet.
- Approving a variance to reduce the front yard setback adjacent to Central Avenue Northeast from 15 feet to 5.3 feet.
- Approving site plan review for a new six-story multiple-family dwelling containing 64 dwelling units.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving an application submitted by Deep Housing LLC to rezoning (PLAN15394) the properties located at 613 Van Buren St NE and 623 Van Buren St NE from the R1A Multiple-Family District to the R3 Multiple-Family District, retaining the BFC6 Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.
Action Taken: Adopted -
AC Hotel Minneapolis Downtown, 401 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Sage Client 265 LLC, BLAmend, LIC404906
Clancey's, 3804 GRAND AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Clancey's Meats & Fish Ltd, BLWine, LIC404929
Dulono's Pizza, 118 4TH ST N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by 4 VG Inc, BLAmend, LIC403200
Dulono's Pizza, 118 4TH ST N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by 4 VG Inc, BLFood, LIC403201
Levy @ Guthrie Theater, 818 2ND ST S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Levy Premium Foodservice Limited Partnership, BLLiqCat, LIC404136
France 44 Events, 4351 FRANCE AVE S Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 13) submitted by France 44 Foods Inc, BLAmend, LIC405289
Action Taken: Adopted -
AC Hotel Minneapolis Downtown, 401 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Sage Client 265 LLC, BLAmend, LIC404906
Dilla's Ethiopian Restaurant, 1813 RIVERSIDE AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 6) submitted by Dilla's Bar and Restaurant Inc, BLLiquor, LIC78238
Graze Provisions & Libations, 520 4TH ST N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Derived Hospitality LLC, BLLiquor, LIC391632
Lawless Distilling Company, 2619 28TH AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Lawless Distilling Company LLC, BLDistill, LIC107966
LAWLESS DISTILLING COMPANY, 2619 28TH AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Lawless Distilling Company LLC, BLDistill, LIC337743
Petite Leon, 3800 NICOLLET AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 8) submitted by Petite Leon LLC, BLLiquor, LIC389200
StilHeart, 124 3RD AVE N Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Tapped Beverage Company LLC, BLDistill, LIC381373
The Cajun House, 2600 UNIVERSITY AVE SE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Cajun House Inc, BLWine, LIC351058
Action Taken: Adopted -
Dilla's Ethiopian Restaurant, 1813 RIVERSIDE AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 6) submitted by Dilla's Bar and Restaurant Inc, BLLiquor, LIC78238
Business Technical Assistance Program (BTAP) 2022 Cultural Districts funding recommendations (2022-00993)
Authorizing grant agreements for the Business Technical Assistance Program (BTAP), subject to modifications as approved by the Director of the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development, as follows: African Development Center, $30,000; Black Women's Wealth Alliance, $50,000; Castelli Business Services, $20,000; Davis Law Office, $60,000; Just Law, $30,000; Latino Economic Development Center, $70,000; Lake Street Council, $70,000; Metropolitan Economic Development Association, $50,000; New American Development Center, $20,000; Neighborhood Development Center, $50,000, Northside Economic Opportunity Network, $50,000; Seward Redesign, $40,000; Think Small Institute, $40,000; West Bank Business Association, $70,000; West Broadway Business and Area Coalition, $50,000.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the creation of Minneapolis Homes: Financing Contingency Funding Pool.
Authorizing agreements with the selected qualified developers or affiliated entities and authorizing the Director of the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development to make modifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Acceptance and appropriation of funds for the acquisition of emergency shelter for persons experiencing homelessness (2022-01052)
Accepting funds from Hennepin County, in the amount of $2,500,000 to be used in addition to the City's $2,500,000 American Rescue Plan Act Fund contribution, to support the acquisition of an emergency shelter facility for persons experiencing homelessness, by Catholic Charities or an affiliated entity.
Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution authorizing the carryforward of unused Year 2022 Tax Exempt Housing Revenue Bonds for the Multifamily Housing Program.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Rezoning: Upper Harbor Terminal, 3800 1st St N, 2 36th Ave N, 51 36th Ave N, 51 34th Ave N, 3360 1st St N, 3700 Washington Ave N, 3648 Washington Ave N, 3701 Washington Ave N, and 3639 Washington Ave N (2022-01034)View ItemsAction Taken: Adopted
Commercial Property Development Fund (CPDF) loan to 2518 North Second Street, LLC: 2518 2nd St N (2022-01033)
Authorizing a $700,000 Commercial Property Development Fund Loan to 2518 North Second Street, LLC or its assigns to assist in the acquisition of the property at 2518 2nd St N.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a $2 million loan from the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development's 2022 General Fund Budget to North Group LLC or its assigns to finance the Building, Technology and Innovation Center (BTIC), located at 415 Royalston Ave N for a modular housing manufacturing facility.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the City Council Ward Budget Guidelines, effective January 1, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving a legislative directive related to homeless encampments and requests for data and information.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration, amending procurement provisions relating to delegation of certain contract requirements; implementation of best value contracting; and procedures relating to the use of cooperative contracts and acceptance of commodity bids:
- Chapter 17 Finance Department.
- Chapter 18 Purchasing.
Passage of Resolution approving the delegation to staff of authority to enter into procurement contracts of less than or equal to $175,000, notwithstanding any deviations from form contracts previously adopted by Council for contracts of up to $175,000.
Passage of Resolution approving revision of the review requirements for, and membership of, the Permanent Review Committee (“PRC”).
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 18A of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Target Market Program, amending the sunset provision and the timing of the general industry category reviews for the Target Market Program.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the revised salary schedule for the Director of Labor Relations, which has a salary range of $151,828 to $170,979, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective Nov 17, 2022.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Adopting findings that the proposed position meets the criteria in Section 20.1010 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, City Council to Establish Positions; and approving the appointed position, evaluated at 693 total points, and allocated to Grade 15.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the salary schedule for the position, which has a salary range of $138,603 to $164,304, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective November 17, 2022.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Adopting findings that the proposed position meets the criteria in Section 20.1010 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, City Council to Establish Positions; and approving the appointed position, evaluated at 713 total points, and allocated to Grade 15.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, approving the salary schedule for the position, which has a salary range of $142,679 to $169,136, in accordance with the adopted compensation plan for appointed officials effective November 17, 2022.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Transfer of funds from the Minneapolis Police Department to the Information Governance Division of the City Clerk's Office for public safety data practices requests (2022-01079)
Passage of Resolution approving and authorizing the one-time transfer of $600,000 from the 2022 Minneapolis Police Department's budget to the City Clerk's Office for the Information Governance Division and its work on public safety data practices requests.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Technical amendment to the 2022 Six-Year Capital Program for the Hiawatha Training & Recruitment Center and Water Distribution Facility Projects (2022-01081)
Passage of Resolution amending the 2022-2027 Six Year Capital Program Appropriation Resolution by decreasing Fund 04190 Capital Improvement fund and increasing the respective Enterprise Funds in the Hiawatha Training & Recruitment Center and the Water Distribution Facility Project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution accepting donations from Local Progress for lodging and related travel expenses for Council Member Jeremiah Ellison to participate in the Local Progress Convening.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the 2022 property tax special assessments for delinquent utility charges as indicated on the 2022 Property Tax Special Assessment List.
Authorizing Utility Billing to cancel any assessments as a result of payment.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the following Council appointments for two-year terms beginning January 1, 2023, and ending December 31, 2024: Owen Augustus Hansen, Seat 2, Ward 1; Jordan Leick, Seat 6, Ward 3; Ray Schoch, Seat 7, Ward 4; Kimberly Caprini, Seat 8, Ward 4; Ethan Komoroski, Seat 25, Ward 13; Dylan McMahon, Seat 26, Ward 13.
Approving the following Council reappointments for two-year terms beginning January 1, 2023, and ending December 31, 2024: Jake McCormick, Seat 1, Ward 1; Amity Foster, Seat 5, Ward 3; Erica Mauter, Seat 11, Ward 6; Thorbjorn Adam, Seat 12, Ward 6; John Bernstein, Seat 13; Mike Erlandson, Seat 14, Ward 7; Jonathan Ahn, Seat 15, Ward 8; Matt Kazinka, Seat 17, Ward 9; Katie Jones, Seat 19, Ward 10; Risa Hustad, Seat 21, Ward 11; Willie Bridges, Seat 22, Ward 11.
Approving the following Mayoral reappointments for two-year terms beginning January 1, 2023, and ending December 31, 2024: Eric Won, Seat 27, Ward 4; Eamonn Schmitz, Seat 29, Ward 9; Courtney Schroeder, Seat 30, Ward 13; Dan McConnell, Seat 31, Ward 2.
Waiving the residency requirement (Minneapolis Code of Ordinances 14.180) for John Bernstein.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the bid of Kevitt Excavating LLC, on Event 2091, in the estimated amount of $437,500, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for Alley Snow Plowing services, and authorizing a contract for the service, for a one-year term, Nov 1, 2022, through Oct 31, 2023, with the option to extend for up to two additional twelve-month periods, all in accordance with City specifications.
Accepting the bid of Stonepros LLC, on Event 2091, in the estimated amount of $123,750, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for Alley Snow Plowing services, and authorizing a contract for the service, for a one-year term, Nov 1, 2022, through Oct 31, 2023, with the option to extend for up to two additional twelve-month periods, all in accordance with City specifications.
Accepting the bid of AAA Building Maintenance Co LLC, on Event 2091, in the estimated amount of $115,000, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for Alley Snow Plowing services, and authorizing a contract for the service, for a one-year term, Nov 1, 2022, through Oct 31, 2023, with the option to extend for up to two additional twelve-month periods, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Accepting the low bid of PCI Roads, LLC, submitted on Event 2195, in the amount of $547,650, to provide all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary for Pavement Profiling and Roto Milling Services, and authorizing a contract for the service, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a streamlined time keeping and scheduling system for field-based employees.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing customization of the City’s Standard Contract Form to enter into a contract with Granicus, LLC., to provide short-term rental monitoring services for Regulatory Services, including a mutually negotiated deviation: $1 million limitation of liability.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract with League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) for PATROL, a Peace Officer Accredited Training Online subscription (2022-01082)
Authorizing a contract with League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT), using the contract form provided by the vendor, in the amount of $64,900, for PATROL, a Peace Officer Accredited Training Online subscription, through Dec 31, 2023.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a contract with Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, with a not to exceed amount of $680,000, for a two-year term, to provide sourcing consulting services for the IT Department.
Authorizing customization of the City’s Terms and Conditions for Professional Services Contracts, including, pursuant to the parties’ negotiations, the mutual elimination of defense, indemnification, and hold harmless obligations.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Master Contract amendment with Northpoint Health & Wellness Center, Inc. for medical and social services (2022-01074)
Authorizing an increase to Master Contract COM0003196 with Northpoint Health and Wellness Center, Inc., in the amount of $126,698 in ARPA funds and an additional $1,000,000 in other funding sources, for a total amount not to exceed $2,126,698, for medical and social services.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0005738 with Rachel Contracting LLC, in the amount of $12,913.97 for a total amount not to exceed $185,296.97, for additional materials, labor, and equipment necessary to complete the demolition of 30 West Lake Street, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0005986 with LRG Technologies LLC, in the amount of $221,308 for a total amount not to exceed $663,924, for additional mobile lighting trailers.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0005762 with LRG Technologies, LLC, in the amount of $287,875 for a total amount not to exceed $1,217,797, for additional mobile video surveillance trailers.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0005211 with Bituminous Roadways, Inc., in the amount of $2,303,289.01 for a total amount not to exceed $6,005,358.50, for providing additional hot mix asphalt material for City-wide projects, all in accordance with City specifications.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. for engineering and design services for Hennepin Ave Street Reconstruction Project (2022-01072)
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0002375 with Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., in the amount of $486,000 for a total amount not to exceed $3,347,932, for additional engineering and design services for the Hennepin Ave Street Reconstruction Project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendments for 2022 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programming (2022-01073)
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0001208 with Metropolitan Council Housing and Redevelopment Authority, in the amount of $590,402,for a new not to exceed amount of $2,313,206, for tenant-based rental housing assistance out of 2022 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funding.
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0004578 with Clare Housing, in the amount of $242,758, for a new not to exceed amount of $485,516, for tenant-based rental housing assistance out of 2022 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funding.
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0004579 with Clare Housing, in the amount of $81,178, for a new not to exceed amount of $162,356, for site-based supportive services at Clare Housing’s Marshall Flats facility out of 2022 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funding.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Veit and Company, Inc. for the Upper Harbor Terminal Grading and Demo Project (2022-01075)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0005656 with Veit and Company, Inc., in the amount of $811,800 for a total amount not to exceed $6,804,792, for additional work required to complete the Upper Harbor Terminal Grading and Demolition Project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing an increase to contract C-44483 with Everlaw, Inc., in the amount of $440,000, for a new total amount not to exceed of $968,000, to allow for additional usage of its E-discovery and redaction software.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a lease agreement with Northgate Development LLC for space at 1200 Plymouth Ave N for the Health Department's youth training in Environmental Sciences.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Lease agreement with The 927 Building, LLC for space for the North Minneapolis Promise Zone (2022-01077)
Authorizing a lease agreement with The 927 Building, LLC, for a five-term year with the option to extend an additional three years, for space at 927 W Broadway Ave for the North Minneapolis Promise Zone.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 15 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Offenses--Miscellaneous, adding a new Chapter 405 entitled "Security of Reproductive Healthcare Facilities" to establish signage allowances and prohibit disrupting access to and occupying driveways of reproductive healthcare facilities.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract amendment with Minnesota Timberwolves for Police to provide bomb detection at Target Center (2022-01036)
Authorizing an increase to contract COM0006059 with the Minnesota Timberwolves of the 2023 buy-back rate from $107 to $112 per hour per officer, for a total amount not to exceed $190,000, for bomb detection security services at Target Center during large events as requested.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Authorizing a revenue contract with the Minnesota Twins, in the amount of $31,000, for bomb detection security services at Target Field during large events from Apr 1, 2023, through Oct 31, 2023, with an option to extend for an additional 30 days for Major League Baseball playoffs and/or World Series.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Training reimbursement from the Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education (MBFTE) (2022-01048)
Accepting a reimbursement from the Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education (MBFTE), in the amount of $117,300, for MBFTE-approved training conducted between Jul 1, 2022, and Jun 30, 2023.
Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to Fire Department.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the following Council appointment for a two-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024: Lisa Pogoff, Seat 7, Ward 7.
Approving the following reappointment for a two-year term beginning Jan 1, 2023, and ending Dec 31, 2024: Meredith Martinez, Seat 16, Hennepin County Human Services & Public Health.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution proclaiming November 20, 2022, as World Children's Day.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution amending the 2022 General Appropriation Resolution by increasing revenue and appropriation for the Public Works Sanitary Sewer Division by $5,000,000 for 2022 Sanitary Sewer Availability Charges (SAC) due to increased development in the city.
Action Taken: Adopted -
2023 Street Resurfacing Program: Project designation, cost estimate, and setting public hearings (2022-01038)
Passage of Resolution designating the improvement of certain existing streets in the 2023 Street Resurfacing Program, Special Improvement of Existing Streets No. 2348 (CPV2256).
Adopting report receiving the cost estimate of $4,737,980, directing the preparation of proposed special assessments against the list of benefited properties, and setting public hearings as follows:
- February 16, 2023, for Bloomington Ave S.
- February 16, 2023, for 4th Ave S.
- February 16, 2023, for Folwell East and Northwest Residential.
- March 2, 2023, for 46th Ave S.
- March 2, 2023, for Park Ave S.
- March 2, 2023, for Minnehaha Residential.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Contract and easement with Canadian Pacific for the 37th Ave NE (Central Ave NE to Stinson Blvd NE) Street Reconstruction Project (2022-01039)
Authorizing a contract with Canadian Pacific, in the amount of $210,420.60, for the purpose of upgrading the existing railroad crossing at 37th Ave NE as a part of the 37th Ave NE Street Reconstruction Project, from Central Ave NE to Stinson Blvd NE.
Authorizing an easement agreement with Canadian Pacific to allow the City to work within the railroad right-of-way.
Action Taken: Adopted -
METRO Blue Line Extension Business Advisory Committee and Community Advisory Committee appointments (2022-01040)
Approving the following appointments to the METRO Blue Line Extension Light Rail Transit (BLRT) Business Advisory Committee (BAC) for terms beginning Nov 17, 2022: Donna Sanders, West Broadway Business and Area Coalition, Ward 5; and Jamar Smith, Northside Investment Cooperative Enterprise, Ward 5.
Approving the following reappointment to the BLRT Business Advisory Committee (BAC) for a term beginning Nov 17, 2022: Christopher Webley, New Rules, Ward 5.
Approving the following reappointment to the BLRT Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for a term beginning Nov 17, 2022: Giuseppe Marrari, Ward 5.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Agreements with Minnesota Department of Transportation for the Plymouth Ave Bridge Rehabilitation Project (2022-01041)
Passage of Resolution authorizing a cooperative funding agreement with Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for requested improvements related to the 2023 rehabilitation of the Plymouth Ave Bridge over I-94, and authorizing the expenditure of an estimated $200,000 for enhanced streetlighting and bridge railings.
Passage of Resolution authorizing a MnDOT utility agreement in the amount of $80,000 for reimbursement of work performed by Public Works in support of the Plymouth Ave Bridge Rehabilitation Project.
Passage of Resolution increasing the appropriation and revenue for the Public Works Department by $61,000 for MnDOT reimbursement of Traffic Department work in support of the Plymouth Ave Bridge Rehabilitation Project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Park Lane Neighborhood Street Reconstruction: Project Designation, cost estimate, and setting public hearing (2022-01042)
Passage of Resolution designating the location and improvements proposed to be made in the Park Lane Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Project, Special Improvement of Existing Street No. 2336 (PV131).
Adopting report receiving the cost estimate in the amount of $1,870,672 for street reconstruction improvements and $165,000 for cobblestone streetscape enhancement, directing the preparation of proposed special assessments against the list of benefited properties, and setting a public hearing for Jan 19, 2023, to consider the project, assessments, and the abandonment and removal of areaways in conflict with the project.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Capital project closeouts with appropriation, bond reallocation, and revenue adjustments within the City's Capital Project, Enterprise Funds, and Declaration of Official Intent to issue bonds (2022-01043)
Passage of Resolution amending the 2022 Capital Improvement Appropriation Resolution by authorizing closure and appropriation adjustments for capital projects and programs, as indicated on Schedules A - C, and reallocations and redistributions of excess revenues and bond proceeds to projects requiring additional funding; and requesting the concurrent approval of the Board of Estimate & Taxation for the reallocation of excess bond proceeds.
Passage of Resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,076,000 for certain purposes other than the purchase of public utilities; and requesting the Board of Estimate & Taxation authorize the City to incur such indebtedness and issue and sell City of Minneapolis bonds.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Approving the application submitted by the Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District for a large block event permit allowing the Warehouse District Live Block Party to be held on Oct 28 and 29, 2022, on 1st Ave N between 5th St N and 6th St N, and to operate outside the hours permitted under Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, Section 455.35(c)(1).
Action Taken: Adopted -
Passage of Resolution updating the Parking and Mobility Services Fee and Rate Schedule.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Pursuant to notice, motion by Wonsley to introduce the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Housing: Maintenance Code, for first reading and referral to the Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee, repealing Section 244.60 entitled “Temporary Housing Prohibited; exception.”
Action Taken: Returned to author -
Passage of Resolution observing November 20, 2022, as Transgender Day of Remembrance in the City of Minneapolis.
Action Taken: Adopted -
Adjourn to December 6, 2022, at 6:05 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a public hearing and adopting the 2023 budget and tax levy; the Fiscal Year 2023 Consolidated Plan; and the proposed water and sewer rates.
Action Taken: Continued to meeting of Dec 6, 2022 -
This meeting may be recorded. Recordings of public meetings are posted for public access through the City's Legislative Information Management System (LIMS), available at lims.minneapolismn.gov and from the City's YouTube channel. If you participate in the public meeting, the information you provide may be classified as public data pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act; this could include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Your attendance at the meeting;
- Your name, residential address, email or phone number, or other personal contact details;
- Your comments at the meeting, whether part of a formal hearing or comment period or otherwise; and
- Any submissions you provide before or after the meeting which are included as part of the public record of the meeting.
A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05.