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Marked Agenda

A post-meeting synopsis of actions taken or decisions made on all matters.

Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee Agenda

Standing Committee of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
May 16, 2023 - 1:30 pm
Room 317, City Hall
Members Present: Council Members Lisa Goodman (Chair), Jamal Osman (Vice-Chair), Michael Rainville, Jeremiah Ellison, Jason Chavez, and Aisha Chughtai (Quorum: 4)
Clerk: Lisa Brock, (612) 673-2216

Public Hearing

  1. 2 Snack Bar, 800 Washington Ave N #101, (Ward 3) for an Expansion of Premise and Sidewalk Cafe license (2023-00502)
    1. Considering an application for Snack Bar, 800 WASHINGTON AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Snack Bar LLC, BLAmend, LIC407713 for an Expansion of Premise license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.  
    2. Considering an application for Snack Bar, 800 WASHINGTON AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Snack Bar LLC, BLFood, LIC407714 for a Sidewalk Cafe license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
    Action Taken: Approved
  2. 3 State of Minnesota financial assistance for George Modular Innovation Solutions, LLC: 415 Royalston Ave N (2023-00447)
    1. Passage of Resolution supporting George Modular Innovation Solutions' application for financial incentives from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development’s Minnesota Investment Fund.

    2. Passage of Resolution of support for George Modular Innovation Solutions application for financial incentives from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development’s Job Creation Fund.

    3. Accepting a grant of up to $2,000,000 from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development’s Minnesota Investment Fund, subject to award approval.

    4. Authorizing execution of a grant agreement between the City and the Department of Employment and Economic Development in the amount awarded up to $2,000,000, subject to award approval.

    5. Authorizing execution of a loan agreement with George Modular Innovation Solutions, LLC or an affiliated entity in the amount of up to $2,000,000, subject to award approval.

    6. Authorizing execution of a business subsidy agreement with George Modular Innovation Solutions, LLC, subject to award approval.

    7. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.

    Action Taken: Approved
  3. 4 Moratorium on certain high impact industrial uses (2023-00471)
    Action Taken: Approved

Quasi-Judicial Hearing

  1. 5 Variance appeal: Michael Margulies, on behalf of Armory Holdings, LLC, 2900-2910 Hennepin Ave (2023-00495)
    Action Taken: Granted


  1. 6 Liquor license approvals for May 16, 2023 (2023-00501)
    1. 1010 Washington Wine & Spirits, 1010 WASHINGTON AVE S Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by QWS Enterprises Inc, BLAmend, LIC408100
    2. Lago Tacos, 2901 LYNDALE AVE S Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 10) submitted by Lago Lyn-Lake LLC, BLLiquor, LIC407486
    3. Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club, 725 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 7) submitted by Nitelife Inc, BLAmend, LIC407904
    4. Thai Pepper Tangletown, 5455 NICOLLET AVE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Thai Pepper Tangletown LLC, BLWine, LIC407602
    5. Red Sea Bar & Restaurant, 320 CEDAR AVE S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by HRS Enterprises Inc, BLLiqCat, LIC403825
    6. Royal Sonesta Minneapolis, 35 7TH ST S Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Sonesta Minneapolis LLC, BLLiqCat, LIC408112
    Action Taken: Approved
  2. 7 Liquor License Renewals for May 16, 2023 (2023-00517)
    View Items
    Action Taken: Approved
  3. 8 Prolonged vacancy at commercial and residential properties (2023-00496)
    Action Taken: Approved
  4. 9 Grant Agreement with Minneapolis Public Housing Authority for sprinkler system installation: 1900 3rd St NE, 809 Spring St NE, 3755 Snelling Ave, and 3205 37th St E (2023-00503)
    1. Authorizing a grant agreement with the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority in the amount of $1,200,000 for the installation of sprinkler systems at 1900 3rd St NE, 809 Spring St NE, 3755 Snelling Ave, and 3205 37th St E through March 30, 2024.

    2. Authorizing the appropriate City administrator to make amendments to the agreement to ensure compliance with federal guidelines. 

    Action Taken: Approved
  5. 10 Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) Program Updates (2023-00507)
    Action Taken: Approved as amended
  6. 11 Updates for the Year 2024-2025 Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and Procedural Manual (2023-00519)
    Action Taken: Approved
  7. 12 Rezoning: Ken McCraley, 3410 42nd St E (2023-00497)
    1. Approving an application submitted by Ken McCraley to rezone (PLAN15658) the property located at 3410 42nd St E from the R5/Multiple Family District to the C2/Corridor Commercial District and retaining the PO Pedestrian Oriented Overlay District and the BFI3 Interior 3 Built Form Overlay District.

    2. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

    Action Taken: Approved
  8. 13 Land sale: 19 E 26th St to Partners in Property Commercial Land Trust (PIPCLT) (2023-00506)
    Action Taken: Public hearing set for Jun 6, 2023
  9. 14 Metro Schools College Prep bond issuance host approval: 620 Olson Memorial Hwy (2023-00505)
    Action Taken: Public hearing set for Jun 6, 2023
  10. 15 Mold ordinance (2023-00347)
    Action Taken: Public hearing set for Jun 6, 2023
  11. 16 Administrative enforcement and hearing process ordinance (2023-00457)
    Action Taken: Public hearing set for Jun 6, 2023


  1. 17 The Way Home: Safe, dignified, and affordable housing for Minneapolis residents, 2020 -2022 Progress Report (2023-00498)
    Action Taken: Received and filed
  2. 18 Land use rezoning policies of Minneapolis 2040 ordinances (2023-00172)
    View Items


  1. 19 Neighborhood-serving commercial uses in residential areas legislative directive (2023-00546)
    Action Taken: Approved
  2. 20 Environmental justice checklist legislative directive (2023-00547)
    Action Taken: Approved

Committee actions will be referred to the next Council meeting: May 25, 2023
Next Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee meeting: Jun 6, 2023

This meeting may be recorded. Recordings of public meetings are posted for public access through the City's Legislative Information Management System (LIMS), available at and from the City's YouTube channel. If you participate in the public meeting, the information you provide may be classified as public data pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act; this could include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Your attendance at the meeting;
  • Your name, residential address, email or phone number, or other personal contact details;
  • Your comments at the meeting, whether part of a formal hearing or comment period or otherwise; and
  • Any submissions you provide before or after the meeting which are included as part of the public record of the meeting.

A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05.