Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee Agenda
Standing Committee of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Nolo's Kitchen & Bar/The Basement Bar, 511 Washington Ave N, (Ward 3) for a Permanent Expansion of Premises License (2023-00378)
Considering an application for Nolo's Kitchen & Bar/The Basement Bar, 511 WASHINGTON AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by The Maytag Project LLC, BLAmend, LIC407176 for a Permanent Expansion of Premises license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Action Taken: Continued to meeting of May 2, 2023 -
Considering an application for Underground Leaf and Vine, 702 1/2 1ST ST N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Underground Wine Club LLC, BLLiqOff, LIC406656 for an Off Sale Liquor license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Action Taken: Approved -
Albi Kitchen, 1411 Nicollet Ave, (Ward 7) for an Extended Hours and Sidewalk Cafe license (2023-00376)
Considering an application for Albi Kitchen, 1411 NICOLLET AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 7) submitted by Fardowsa Unique Corporation, BLFood, LIC405747, for a Sidewalk Cafe license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Considering an application for Albi Kitchen, 1411 NICOLLET AVE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Fardowsa Unique Corporation, BLGeneral, LIC407101 for an Extended Hours license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Action Taken: Approved -
Considering an application for Albi Kitchen, 1411 NICOLLET AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 7) submitted by Fardowsa Unique Corporation, BLFood, LIC405747, for a Sidewalk Cafe license, subject to final inspections and compliance with all provisions of applicable code and ordinances.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Housing: Maintenance Code, amending provisions related to the prohibition of skateboard ramps or structures.
Action Taken: Approved -
Passage of Resolution authorizing the issuance of up to $400 million in tax-exempt revenue bonds for Allina Health System for the construction of a surgical and critical care pavilion, related infrastructure, and renovations as part of the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Campus Revitalization Project located at 800 E 28th St and the potential refunding of outstanding bonds.
Action Taken: Approved -
Considering an appeal submitted by Christopher Ruiz regarding the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment denying a variance (PLAN15683) to increase the maximum height of an opaque fence in a required reverse corner front yard from 3 feet to 6 feet for the property located at 223 40th St E.
Action Taken: Denied -
Variance and Site Plan Review appeal: Daniel Oberpriller, on behalf of North Bay Companies, 2725 University Ave SE (2023-00388)
Considering an appeal submitted by Daniel Oberpriller, on behalf of North Bay Companies, regarding the following decisions of the City Planning Commission (PLAN15898) for a new seven-story mixed use building with 135 dwelling units for the property located at 2725 University Avenue SE:
- Denying a variance to reduce the minimum height in the Transit 30 Built Form Overlay District from 10 stories to 7 stories, 180 feet.
- Denying a variance to reduce the minimum front yard requirement along 4th Street SE from 15 feet to 0 feet.
- Denying a variance to reduce the minimum interior side yard along the east property line from 15 feet to 3 feet 6 inches.
- Denying a variance to reduce the minimum interior side yard along the west property line from 15 feet to 3 feet 10 inches.
- Denying a site plan review for a new seven-story mixed use building with 135 dwelling units and approximately 3,000 square feet of commercial space.
Action Taken: Denied -
View Items
Action Taken: Approved
View Items
Action Taken: Approved
All Gods Children Metropolitan Community Church, 3100 PARK AVE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by All Gods Children Metropolitan Community Church, BLGeneral, LIC407592
MN USA Wrestling, 200 WEST BROADWAY Minneapolis, MN, submitted by MN USA Wrestling, BLGeneral, LIC407265
Action Taken: Approved -
All Gods Children Metropolitan Community Church, 3100 PARK AVE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by All Gods Children Metropolitan Community Church, BLGeneral, LIC407592
License Settlement Conference Recommendations and Business License Operating Conditions, Gay 90's, 400 Hennepin Ave., (Ward 3) held by 90's Minneapolis LLC, for an On Sale Liquor with Sunday Sales, Adult Entertainment license (2023-00095)
Adopting the License Settlement Conference Agreement for Gay 90'S, 400 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by 90's Minneapolis LLC, BLAmend, LIC407413, allowing the licensee to retain the On Sale Liquor, Adult Entertainment license.
Adopting the Business License Operating Conditions Agreement for Gay 90'S, 400 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by 90's Minneapolis LLC, BLAmend, LIC407414, allowing the licensee to retain the On Sale Liquor, Adult Entertainment license, subject to the conditions contained therein; and rescinding Resolution 2008R-185, Business License Operating Conditions for Gay 90’s, 400 Hennepin Ave, (Ward 3) submitted by 90’s Minneapolis LLC, On Sale Liquor, Adult Entertainment license, passed on May 16, 2008.
Action Taken: Approved -
Adopting the License Settlement Conference Agreement for Gay 90'S, 400 HENNEPIN AVE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by 90's Minneapolis LLC, BLAmend, LIC407413, allowing the licensee to retain the On Sale Liquor, Adult Entertainment license.
Authorizing a 24-month extension of Sherman Associates' exclusive development rights for the purchase and development of property at 1500 4th St S, subject to amended conditions.
Action Taken: Approved -
Authorizing the following contracts for the Business Technical Assistance Program (BTAP), subject to modifications as approved by the Director of the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development, with the following entities or their designees: African Development Center, $25,000; Certified Access LLC, $25,000; Hussein N Ahmed, dba Castelli Business Services, $15,000; Cooperative Development Services Inc., $15,000; Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES), $30,000; ConnectUP! Institute, $25,000; Davis Law Office PLLC, $35,000; Hortensia PLLC, $10,000; Latino Economic Development Center, $35,000; Lake Street Council, $35,000; Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD), $35,000; New American Development Center, $15,000; NCXT, $20,000; Neighborhood Development Center, $35,000; Northside Economic Opportunity Network (NEON), $35,000; NextStage, $25,000; Nexus Community Partners, $15,000; Seward Redesign Inc., dba Redesign, Inc., $35,000; Springboard for the Arts, $25,000; Southwest Business Association, $25,000; West Bank Business Association, $25,000; We Sparkle Co., $10,000.
Action Taken: Approved -
HOME, CDBG, and NSP program income appropriation and restricting HOME and NSP loan repayments to be used as revolving funds (2023-00398)
Passage of Resolution approving the following appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development:
- Certain program income generated through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME program;
- Certain program income generated through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP); and
- Certain program income generated through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
Action Taken: Approved -
2022 Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Account grant award to City Of Lakes Community Land Trust (2023-00401)
Accepting the 2022 Metropolitan Council Local Housing Incentive Account (LHIA) Pilot grant for $300,000 for the City of Lakes Community Land Trust (CLCLT) perpetually affordable homeownership program.
Authorizing agreements with the Metropolitan Council, City of Lakes Community Land Trust (CLCLT), and related entities to implement the Local Housing Incentive Account (LHIA) Pilot grant.
Passage of Resolution approving the appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.
Action Taken: Approved -
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Redevelopment Grant Program 2023 grants (2023-00395)
Accepting grants from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Redevelopment Grant Program for the following projects: 550 West Lake (550 W Lake St), in the amount of $240,642, and Agra (901 27th Ave S), in the amount of $230,875.
Authorizing contracts or agreements with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for the aforesaid grants.
Authorizing funding agreements with the identified subrecipients (or affiliated entities) and/or disbursement and related agreements for these grants.
Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.
Action Taken: Approved -
Passage of Resolution authorizing applications to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development [DEED] Contamination Cleanup and Investigation Grant Program for environmental investigation and/or remediation funding for the following projects: 1301 W Lake Apartments (1301 W Lake St), $231,306; Agra (901 27th Ave S), $249,184; Stinson Apartments (1714 E Hennepin Ave), $62,800; and Unity Building (401-405 E Lake St), $44,600.
Passage of Resolution authorizing applications to the Metropolitan Council's Tax Base Revitalization Account [TBRA] Grant Program for environmental investigation and/or remediation funding for the following projects: 753 Washington Ave N Project (753 Washington Ave N), $27,491 (SEED); 1818 Business Center (1818 4th Ave S), $23,500 (SEED); Agate Housing (2800 – 2817 27th Ave S), $215,250; East Plymouth Heights (1014 and 1016 Plymouth Ave N), $30,175 (SEED); Fruen Mill Renovation (303 Thomas Ave N), $200,000 (SEED); Kyle Garden Square (700 10th Ave S), $172,000; Stinson Apartments (1714 E Hennepin Ave), $189,668; The Nicollet Project (3246 Nicollet Ave), $12,450 (SEED); Unity Building (401-405 E Lake St), $138,924.
Passage of Resolution authorizing applications to Hennepin County's Environmental Response Fund [ERF] Grant Program for environmental investigation and/or remediation funding for the following projects: 1301 W Lake Apartments (1301 W Lake St), $56,454; Agate Housing (2800 – 2817 27th Ave S), $207,900; Envision Community Penn Avenue (2100, 2106 and 2110 Penn Ave N), $86,551; Fare Game Restaurant (2900 and 2910 Johnson St NE), $42,955; MPRB – Bethune Park (1304 10th Ave N), $359,402 (“Direct”); RS EDEN House (1025 Portland Ave S), $47,220 (“Direct”); Snelling Yards Family Housing (3601 E 44th St), $315,000; Stinson Apartments (1714 E Hennepin Ave), $50,000; Unity Building (401-405 E Lake St), $32,450; Upper Harbor Park (3301 W River Rd). $300,000.
Action Taken: Approved -
Passage of Resolution granting approval for Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority to undertake a housing project on behalf of CB Whittier Community Housing Limited Partnership, for a project at 2609 Blaisdell Ave S through the issuance of up to $18,000,000 of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds.
Approving extensions of the reservation and expenditure deadlines to September 2023 and March 2025, respectively, for the 2020 Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) Award to Whittier Community Housing.
Consenting to assumption by CB Whittier Community Housing Limited Partnership of an outstanding $525,000 City loan, re-subordination of the mortgage, and extension of the maturity date to match the new first mortgage term.
Action Taken: Approved -
Passage of Resolution granting approval for Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority to undertake the Oakland Square-Talmage Green affordable housing preservation project on behalf of Talmage Oakland Limited Partnership through issuance of up to $11,000,000 in Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds.
Approving partial loan forgiveness in the amount of $75,000 for the Oakland Square CDBG loan.
Action Taken: Approved -
Approving minor modifications to the guidelines for the Minneapolis Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) Preservation Fund.
Action Taken: Approved -
Approving an application submitted by Carrie Christensen to rezone (PLAN15883) the property located at 11 8th Ave NE & 800 Sibley St NE to add the Split Zoning Overlay District, retaining the Floodplain Overlay District, Shoreland Overlay District, Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area Overlay District, Parks Built Form Overlay District, Corridor 4 Built Form Overlay District, and I2 Medium Industrial District.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.
Action Taken: Approved -
Referring to staff the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Housing: Maintenance Code, amending provisions related to mold growth, water damaged surfaces, and rainwater drainage.
Action Taken: Referred to staff -
Plymouth Avenue Apartments Project Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan and Housing Revenue Bond Issuance (2023-00406)
Setting a public hearing for May 2, 2023, for the consideration of a Tax Increment Financing Plan and the issuance of housing revenue bonds for Plymouth Avenue Apartments located at 2309 Plymouth Ave N and 1254 Russell Ave N.
Action Taken: Public hearing set for May 2, 2023 -
Setting a public hearing for May 2, 2023, to consider the issuance of Housing Revenue Bonds for the Northrup King Residential project at 1500 Jackson St NE.
Action Taken: Public hearing set for May 2, 2023 -
Forgivable Loan for the Indigenous Peoples Task Force's Mikwanedun Audisookon Art and Wellness Center project as part of the Clyde Bellecourt Urban Indigenous Legacy Initiative: 2313 13th Ave S (2023-00404)
Authorizing a $1 million forgivable loan to the Indigenous Peoples Task Force, or a related entity, for the construction of the Mikwanedun Audisookon Art and Wellness Center project at 2313 13th Ave S.
Confirming that the Indigenous Peoples Task Force may use its Stabilized Compressed Earth Block (SCEB) construction program in lieu of the City's Registered Apprenticeship Program and Prevailing Wage policies for the SCEB portion of the construction project as previously approved.
Authorizing the increase in the amount of the interfund transfer from CARF Fund 01SDA to CDBG Fund 01400 from $225,864.00 to $376,440.00 for the previously approved land sale and write-down to $1.00 of 2313 13th Ave S, at the time of property closing.
Action Taken: Approved -
Receiving and filing a staff presentation on analysis of anticipated impacts of rent stabilization policy recommendations.
Clerk Note: This agenda item will begin once the remainder of the agenda is completed; presentation and discussion of this agenda item at this meeting will be limited to 90 minutes. Further discussion will continue at the next regular BIHZ meeting, scheduled for May 2.
Action Taken: Continued to meeting of May 2, 2023 -
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