Planning Commission Committee of the Whole Agenda
Call To Order
Roll Call.Quorum PresentAdoption of the agenda.Action Taken: AdoptedAction Taken: Accepted
Lake & Nicollet, Phase 1: 3030 Nicollet
City Staff: Mei-Ling Smith
A new seven-story mixed-use building with 110 dwelling units and 17,000 square feet of nonresidential space.
Action Taken: Received and filedProduction Mixed Use Zoning Code Text Amendment
City Staff: Jason Wittenberg, Jim Voll, Amber Turnquest
Discuss a zoning code text amendment that will implement the Production Mixed Use Policies of Minneapolis 2040.
Action Taken: Received and filedElectric Vehicle Charging Incentives Zoning Code Text Amendment
City Staff: Joe Bernard
Discuss a zoning code text amendment that will replace current requirements for electric vehicle charging infrastructure with incentives for providing such infrastructure.
Action Taken: Received and filedLand Use Rezoning Study
City Staff: Jason Wittenberg, Janelle Widmeier, Joe Bernard
Discuss the scope and timeline of upcoming zoning ordinance revisions intended to implement the future land use policies of Minneapolis 2040.
Action Taken: Received and filed
Updates and communicationsAction Taken: Received and filed