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Marked Agenda

Planning Commission Committee of the Whole Agenda

Regular Meeting
August 20, 2020 - 4:30 pm
Online Meeting
Members Present: Sam Rockwell (President), Alissa Luepke-Pier (Vice-President), Kimberly Caprini, Raya Esmaeili, Aneesha Marwah, Chris Meyer, and Amy Sweasy (Quorum: 3)
Members Absent: Adam Duininck, Alyssa Olson, and Jeremy Schroeder
Staff: Lisa Baldwin

Call To Order

  1. Roll Call.
    Quorum Present
    Adoption of the agenda.
    Action Taken: Adopted
    Action Taken: Accepted


  1. Parking, Loading, and Travel Demand Management Text Amendment

    City Staff: Joe Bernard and Jason Wittenberg

    Minneapolis 2040 Implementation: Review of upcoming potential reforms to parking, loading, and TDM regulations in the zoning ordinance.

    Action Taken: Received and filed

    Built Form Regulations: Floor Area Ratio and Height Increases, Tall Building Standards

    City Staff: Janelle Widmeier, Joe Bernard, Jason Wittenberg

    This review and discussion of proposed built form regulations will focus on bonuses and standards that will govern requests to increase the allowed floor area ratio (FAR) and height. The discussion will also include standards applicable to tall buildings.

    Action Taken: Received and filed

    Mississippi River Critical Area Regulations.

    City Staff: Jim Voll and Chris Vrchota

    Mississippi River Critical Area draft text amendment.

    Action Taken: Received and filed

    City Planning Commission / Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee (CLIC) Joint Public Hearing

    City Staff: Wes Durham

    Public hearing to consider the proposed capital projects for the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Program.

    Action Taken: Approved


Next Planning Commission Committee of the Whole meeting: Sep 10, 2020