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Planning Commission Agenda

Regular Meeting
November 1, 2021 - 4:30 pm
Online Meeting
Members: Raya Esmaeili (President), Alyssa Olson (Vice-President), Aneesha Marwah (Secretary), Bill Baxley, Kimberly Caprini, Keith Ford, Chloe McGuire, Chris Meyer, Jeremy Schroeder, and Amy Sweasy (Quorum: 5)
Staff: Rachel Blanford

Call To Order

  1. Roll Call.
    Adoption of the agenda.
    Acceptance of minutes

Public Hearing

  1. 3101, 3111, and 3113 Minnehaha Ave, Ward 2

    City Staff: Shanna Sether, PLAN13446

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Downtown Longfellow, LLC.

    A. Minor subdivision.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the minor subdivision, subject to the following condition:

    1. All structure encroachments shall be removed prior to the issuance of the subdivision resolution.

    1111 W River Pkwy, Ward 3

    City Staff: Peter Crandall, PLAN13457

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Chad Lockwood.

    A. Preliminary and final registered land survey.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the application for a preliminary and final registered land survey, subject to the following conditions:

    1. This RLS creates tracts that, if separately redeveloped, would not meet the requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinances for lot area and width and the prohibition against lots with more than five sides at ground level. Approval of this RLS does not constitute approval for the separate redevelopment of any tract if such tract does not comply with applicable zoning and subdivision ordinances.
    2. This action of the Planning Commission shall be recorded with Hennepin County at or prior to such time as the signed RLS is presented for recording with Hennepin County.

    35 Groveland Terrace, Ward 7

    City Staff: Mei-Ling Smith, PLAN13439

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Craig Martin.

    A. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to increase the maximum lot area for a residential use with more than four units from 14,000 sq. ft. to 16,756 sq. ft.

    B. Site plan review.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the site plan review for a new, two-story residential building with four dwelling units, subject to the following conditions:

    1. All site improvements shall be completed by November 1, 2023, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
    2. CPED staff shall review and approve the final site, elevation, landscaping, and lighting plans before building permits may be issued.
    3. All signs shall comply with Chapter 543 of the zoning code. All signage requires a separate permit from CPED.
    4. All mechanical equipment shall be screened to comply with section 535.70 of the zoning code.

    1319 and 1349 Penn Ave N, 2200 Plymouth Ave N, Ward 5

    City Staff: Shanna Sether, PLAN13236

    Continued from the October 18, 2021 meeting.

    A. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Return the variance to increase the maximum height of a monument sign from eight feet to nine feet eight inches.

    Action Taken: Returned

    B. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Return the variance increase to the maximum height for two monument signs from eight feet to eight feet three inches.

    Action Taken: Returned

    C. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Deny the variance to increase the maximum height of a wall sign facing Penn Ave N from 20 feet to 27 feet seven inches.

    Action Taken: Denied.

    D. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to increase the maximum height of a wall sign facing 14th Ave N from 20 feet to 30 feet.

    401 Main St NE, Ward 3

    City Staff: Peter Crandall, PLAN13078

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Mark Iwaskewycz.

    A. Rezoning.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the petition to rezone the property from the R1A Multiple Family District to the R3 Multiple Family District.

    Action Taken: Approved

    B. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to reduce the front yard setback from the established 35 feet to 33 feet 2 inches for a transformer, 20 feet 2 inches for the building wall, and 16 feet 2 inches for balconies.

    Action Taken: Approved

    C. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to reduce the minimum interior side yard along the south property line from 5 feet to 3 feet 8 inches for a transformer, subject to the following condition:

    1. The applicant shall revise the proposed plan to show compliance with the minimum setback requirements for the building wall and any proposed balconies or ground level patios.

    Action Taken: Approved

    D. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Deny the variance to reduce the interior side yard along the north property line from 7 feet to 5 feet 1 inch for balconies and ground level patios.

    Action Taken: Approved

    E. Site plan review.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the site plan review for a new three-story residential building with 31 dwelling units, subject to the following conditions:

    1. All site improvements shall be completed by November 1, 2023, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
    2. CPED staff shall review and approve the final site, elevation, landscaping, and lighting plans before building permits may be issued.
    3. All signs shall comply with Chapter 543 of the zoning code. All signage requires a separate permit from CPED.
    4. Except as allowed by the affordable housing premium, all premiums shall be maintained for the life of the principal structure. The length of compliance with the affordable housing premium shall be as required by the Unified Housing Policy.
    5. The applicant shall screen all exterior mechanical equipment to meet the standards of Chapter 53
    6. The applicant shall revise plans to show compliance with minimum setback requirements for the building wall, balconies and ground level patios in the required interior side yards.
    7. The applicant shall provide a final photometric lighting plan that shows compliance with chapters 530 and 535 of the zoning code.

    4901, 4905, 4909, 4913, 4915, 4917, and 4921 France Ave S, Ward 13

    City Staff: Shanna Sether, PLAN13238

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by France 50 LLC.

    A. Rezoning.

    Recommended Motion: The City Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the petition to rezone 4901, 4905, 4909, 4913, 4915, 4917, and 4921 France Ave S from the R2B Multiple-family District to the OR2 High Density Office Residence District, retaining the BFC4 Corridor 4 Built Form Overlay District and SH Shoreland Overlay District.

    Action Taken: Approved

    B. Conditional use permit.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the conditional use permit to allow a mixed-use Planned Unit Development with 45 dwelling units, subject to the following conditions:

    1. The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval.
    2. As required by section 527.120 of the zoning code, the development shall comply with the standards for some combination of the following amenities from Table 527-1, Amenities and those proposed by the applicant totaling a minimum of 20 points: underground parking, plaza, pervious and decorative pavers and driveways, art feature, decorative fencing, enhanced lighting, enhanced landscaping, enhanced stormwater management, recycling storage area and water feature.

    Action Taken: Approved

    C. Conditional use permit.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the conditional use permit to increase the maximum height in the SH Shoreland Overlay District from two and one-half stories or 35 feet, whichever is less, to five stories, 70 feet, subject to the following condition:

    1. The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval.

    Action Taken: Approved

    D. Site plan review.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the site plan review for a new five-story, mixed-use building with 45 dwelling units, subject to the following conditions:

    1. All site improvements shall be completed by December 10, 2023, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
    2. CPED staff shall review and approve the final site, elevation, landscaping, and lighting plans before building permits may be issued.
    3. The applicant shall submit the tax parcel division, combination, or lot line adjustment request form to CPED and submit proof of the filing with Hennepin County.
    4. All signs shall comply with Chapter 543 of the zoning code. All signage requires a separate permit from CPED.
    5. All mechanical equipment shall be screened in accordance with section 5370 of the zoning code.
    6. The proposed transformers shall comply with the minimum south interior side yard and rear yard setbacks.
    7. All premiums shall be maintained for the life of the principal structure.

    Action Taken: Approved

    E. Preliminary plat.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the application for a preliminary plat.


  1. Updates by CPED staff


Next Planning Commission meeting : Nov 15, 2021