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Planning Commission Agenda

Regular Meeting
June 28, 2021 - 4:30 pm
Online Meeting
Members: Raya Esmaeili (President), Alyssa Olson (Vice-President), Aneesha Marwah (Secretary), Bill Baxley, Kimberly Caprini, Keith Ford, Chloe McGuire, Chris Meyer, Jeremy Schroeder, and Amy Sweasy (Quorum: 5)
Staff: Rachel Blanford

Call To Order

  1. Roll Call.
    Adoption of the agenda.
    Acceptance of minutes


  1. Committee of the Whole – June 17, 2021

    A. Land Sale – 3601 44th St E

    City Staff: Madel Duenas

    Recommended motion: Approve the staff report – the item is consistent with Minneapolis 2040.

    B. Snelling Yards Senior Housing TIF District Plan – 3601 44th St E

    City Staff: Madel Duenas

    Recommended motion: Approve the staff report – the item is consistent with Minneapolis 2040.

    801 9th St SE, Ward 3

    City Staff: Lindsey Silas, PLAN11781

    Recommended motion: Approve the final plat for a new planned unit development.

Public Hearing

  1. 605-07 Central Ave NE, Ward 3

    City Staff: Shanna Sether, PLAN12699

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by The Terrarium, Inc.

    A. Minor subdivision.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the application for a minor subdivision to divide the existing parcel into two parcels.

    2410 Dupont Ave N, Ward 5

    City Staff: Aaron Hanauer, PLAN12800

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Alex Frank of Magnolia Homes, LLC.

    A. Minor subdivision.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the application for a minor subdivision for a party wall split of an existing duplex.

    719 26th St W (2609 Aldrich Ave S), Ward 10

    City Staff: Shanna Sether, PLAN12728

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by D8 MN, LLC.

    A. Nonconforming use change.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the change of a nonconforming use application from a yoga studio to a general retail, sales and services use, subject to the following conditions:

    1. The north façade, facing 26th St W, shall have consistent awnings over all of the building entrances.
    2. The applicant shall be allowed to have one, non-illuminated awning sign.
    3. The window and door area of first floor façade facing 26th St W shall not be reduced, nor shall changes be made to such windows or doors that block views into the building at eye level.

    3225 E Minnehaha Pkwy, Ward 12

    City Staff: Peter Crandall, PLAN12757

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Beth Pfeifer.

    A. Comprehensive plan amendment.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the comprehensive plan amendment to amend the built form guidance in the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan for the properties located at 3225 E Minnehaha Parkway from Interior 1 to Interior 2.

    4225 and 4251 Hiawatha Ave, Ward 12

    City Staff: Hilary Dvorak, PLAN12712

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by U-Haul.

    A. Conditional use permit.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the conditional use permit to allow truck and trailer rental, subject to the following condition:

    1. The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval.

    B. Site plan review.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the site plan review for a new self-service storage building and retail building totaling approximately 140,000 square feet, subject to the following conditions:

    1. All site improvements shall be completed by June 28, 2023, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
    2. CPED staff shall review and approve the final site, elevation, landscaping, and lighting plans before building permits may be issued.
    3. The applicant shall submit the tax parcel division, combination, or lot line adjustment request form to CPED and submit proof of the filing with Hennepin County.
    4. All signs shall comply with Chapter 543, On-Premise Signage of the zoning code. All signage requires a separate permit from CPED.
    5. The Xcel transformer shall be screened with landscaping.
    6. The applicant shall provide information about the size and height of the rooftop mechanical equipment and a sightline study to confirm that the equipment will be screened by the building itself.

    3012 Excelsior Blvd, Ward 13

    City Staff: Peter Crandall, PLAN12796

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Corey Burstad.

    A. Conditional use permit.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the conditional use permit to increase the maximum height in the Shoreland Overlay District from 2.5 stories, 35 feet to nine stories, 110 feet, subject to the following condition:

    1. The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval.

    B. Site plan review.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the site plan review for a new nine story mixed use building with 74 dwelling units and approximately 3,000 square feet of commercial space, subject to the following conditions:

    1. All site improvements shall be completed by June 28, 2023, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
    2. CPED staff shall review and approve the final site, elevation, landscaping, and lighting plans before building permits may be issued.
    3. All signs shall comply with Chapter 543 of the zoning code. All signage requires a separate permit from CPED.
    4. All final site plan approvals subject to conditions of inclusionary housing shall be filed with the Office of the Hennepin County Recorder or Registrar of Titles and evidence of proper filing shall be submitted to the zoning administrator prior to the issuance of any building permits.
    5. The applicant shall submit a final photometric lighting plan detailing all proposed exterior lighting fixtures.
    6. All exterior mechanical equipment shall be screened to meet the standards of chapter 535 of the zoning code.
    7. The proposed transit shelter shall be well-lit and weather protected as required by chapter 530 of the zoning code.

    2015 Emerson Ave N and 1100 W Broadway, Ward 5

    City Staff: Lindsey Silas, PLAN12695

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Paola Sanchez.

    A. Minor subdivision.

    Recommended Motion: Return the application for a minor subdivision to the applicant.

    B. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to reduce the front yard setback along Emerson Avenue N from 11.63 feet to 7.8 feet.

    C. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to reduce the minimum floor area ratio from 1.0 to 0.55.

    D. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to the building placement standard within the West Broadway Overlay District to allow a building to be set back more than 8 feet from West Broadway.

    E. Site plan review.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the site plan review for a new three-story building, subject to the following conditions:

    1. All site improvements shall be completed by June 28, 2023, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
    2. CPED staff shall review and approve the final site, elevation, landscaping, and lighting plans before building permits may be issued.
    3. The applicant shall submit the tax parcel division, combination, or lot line adjustment request form to CPED and submit proof of the filing with Hennepin County.
    4. All signs shall comply with Chapter 543 of the zoning code. All signage requires a separate permit from CPED.
    5. The final plans shall demonstrate the mechanical equipment be screened on all four sides to comply with section 5370 of the zoning code.
    6. The final plans shall demonstrate that the refuse and recycling containers are screened on all four sides to comply with section 535.80 of the zoning code.
    7. A photometric lighting plan shall be submitted to demonstrate compliance with section 535.590 of the zoning code.
    8. The first floor of the west elevation shall be revised to meet the 30 percent window requirement and eliminate blank walls, in compliance with Section 530.120 of the zoning code.
    9. The applicant shall use material changes to break up the blank walls on the north elevation as shown in the submitted elevations.
    10. Not less than six canopy trees shall be provided on the site.

    2648 Marshall St NE, Ward 1

    City Staff: Lindsey Silas, PLAN10867

    This item was continued from the June 14, 2021 meeting.

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Greg Elsner.

    A. Conditional use permit.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the conditional use permit to allow cluster development of three units, subject to the following conditions:

    1. The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval.
    2. The proposed structure shall meet at least 15 points as provided in Table 530-2 Standards for Single, Two-, and Three-Family Dwellings.

    B. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to allow development within 40 feet of the top of a steep slope within the SH Shoreland Overlay District.

    C. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to structure placement within the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area Overlay District.


  1. Updates and communications

    A. Allowed locations of SRO Housing

    Amber Turnquest and Jason Wittenberg


Next Planning Commission meeting : Jul 19, 2021