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An outline of matters presented during the meeting arranged by a prescribed order.

Economic Development & Regulatory Services Committee Agenda

Standing Committee of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
February 4, 2020 - 1:30 pm
Room 317, City Hall
Members: Council Members Lisa Goodman (Chair), Jeremiah Ellison (Vice-Chair), Cam Gordon, Steve Fletcher, Phillipe Cunningham, and Alondra Cano (Quorum: 4)
Clerk: Jackie Hanson, (612) 673-2216

Public Hearing

  1. 2 Reappointment of Director of Regulatory Services (2020-00115)
    1. Considering the reappointment by the Executive Committee of Kim Keller to the appointed position of Director of Regulatory Services for a two-year term beginning Jan 2, 2020. 

  2. 3 Mary Ellen's Bistro, 300 13th Ave NE, (Ward 3), for an On Sale Wine with Strong Beer, No Entertainment License (2020-00154)
    1. Considering application for Mary Ellen's Bistro, 300 13TH AVE NE Minneapolis, MN, submitted by Mary Ellen's Bistro LLC, BLWine, LIC386217, for an On Sale Wine with Strong Beer, No Entertainment License, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable codes and ordinances.
  3. 4 Butcher Salt, 208 29th Ave N, (Ward 5) for an On Sale Liquor with Sunday Sales, Limited Entertainment License (2020-00155)
    1. Considering application for Butcher Salt, 208 29TH AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 5) submitted by Lunch and Lilly Inc, BLLiquor, LIC385967, for an On Sale Liquor with Sunday Sales, Limited Entertainment License, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable codes and ordinances.


  1. 5 Liquor license approvals for Feb 4, 2020 (2020-00152)
    1. MARKET BAR-B-QUE, 220 LOWRY AVE NE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by Market Bar-B-Que Corporation, BLAmend, LIC386324
    2. SURLY BREWING COMPANY, 520 MALCOLM AVE SE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 2) submitted by Surly Brewing Company, BLAmend, LIC386331
  2. 6 Quincy Hall, 1325 Quincy St NE, (Ward 1) for an On Sale Liquor with Sunday Sales, General Entertainment License (2019-01135)
    1. Approving application for Quincy Hall, 1325 QUINCY ST NE Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 1) submitted by Crave Catering Event Center LLC, BLLiquor, LIC382152 for an On Sale Liquor with Sunday Sales, General Entertainment License, subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable codes and ordinances.
  3. 7 Grant application to Hennepin County's Environmental Response Fund (ERF) for Minnesota Brownfields (2020-00153)
    1. Passage of Resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant application to Hennepin County's Environmental Response Fund (ERF), in the amount of $225,000, for Minnesota Brownfields.

  4. 8 Contract amendment with Employ Milwaukee, Inc. for employment and training services (2020-00156)
    1. Authorizing an increase to contract #C-43053 with Employ Milwaukee, Inc., in the amount of $107,000, for a total amount not to exceed $837,000, for employment and training services.

    2. Passage of Resolution approving appropriation of funds to the Department of Community Planning & Economic Development.

  5. 9 Fur ban ordinance (2020-00121)
    1. Referring to staff the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 4 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Animal Care and Control, adding thereto a new Chapter 68 entitled “Prohibition of the Sale and Manufacture of Animal Fur Products,” to prohibit the sale and manufacture of animal fur products.

  6. 10 Tow truck service fees ordinance (2020-00110)
    1. Referring to staff the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 13, Chapter 349 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Licenses and Business Regulations: Wreckers and Tow Trucks, amending provisions related to service fees.


  1. 11 Values and goals of the Community Planning & Economic Development Department (2020-00193)
    1. Directing the Community Planning & Economic Development Department to form a working group of relevant stakeholders, including but not limited to the Community Planning & Economic Development Department, the Regulatory Services Department, the City Coordinator’s Office, and the City Attorney’s office, to address the following goals:

      1. Deepen the City’s existing relationship with the Minneapolis small business community.
      2. Explore more nontraditional housing and housing policy options, e.g. occupancy rates, intentional community cluster developments, housing cooperatives, etc.
      3. Increase access to data regarding housing and commercial markets, e.g. data to track the cost of rent for both housing and commercial property, data to compare income and the cost of rent, etc.

Actions referred to Council: Feb 14, 2020
Next Committee meeting: Feb 18, 2020

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