Minneapolis City Council Agenda
City Council of the City Council
Minneapolis Community Development Agency Operating Committee
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Call to Order
Roll Call.
Adoption of the agenda.
Acceptance of minutes
Referral of petitions, communications, and reports of the City officers to the proper Committees.
New Business
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Mayoral report (2021-00102)
Receiving and filing the Mayoral report relating to the local public health emergency resulting from imminent health conditions caused by the presence of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
Proposal to amend the City Charter: Government Structure (2021-00580)
Receiving a proposed charter amendment submitted by the Charter Commission related to government structure to be referred to the electorate in the form of a ballot question at the general election on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, and referring that matter to the Policy & Government Oversight Committee and to the City Attorney's Office for preparation of ballot language.
Petition to amend the City Charter: Public Safety Department (2021-00578)
Receiving and filing a report on the sufficiency of a citizen petition proposing an amendment to the City Charter in the form of a ballot question to be referred to the electorate at the general election on November 2, 2021, to add a new Public Safety Department and to eliminate the standalone Police Department.
Reports of Standing Committees
Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee
May 4, 2021 - Committee Report-
First Draft Taproom & Kitchen, 324 6th Ave. N., (Ward 3) for an On Sale Liquor, General Entertainment license (upgrade) (2021-00494)
- Approving application for First Draft Taproom & Kitchen, 324 6TH AVE N Minneapolis, MN, (Ward 3) submitted by First Draft MN LLC, BLLiquor, LIC392662 for an On Sale Liquor, General Entertainment license (upgrade), subject to final inspection and compliance with all provisions of applicable codes and ordinances.
Satori Boutique Apartments Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan (2021-00445)
Passage of Resolution approving the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan for Satori Apartments at 817 1/2, 819, 821 and 825 West Broadway and 1828, 1830, 1832, 1836 and 1838 Bryant Avenue North.
Passage of Resolution authorizing the issuance of a "Pay-As-You-Go" TIF note to JADT Development Group, LLC in a principal amount not to exceed $3,876,400.
Authorizing a Redevelopment Contract and other necessary documents related to the recommended actions with JADT Development Group, LLC.
2021 Minneapolis HUD Consolidated Plan/Action Plan (2021-00431)
Directing staff to submit the 2021 HUD Consolidated Plan Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on May 17, 2021, including public comments received.
Liquor license renewals for May 4, 2021 (2021-00512)View Items
Business License Operating Conditions: Khaluna, 4000 Lyndale Ave S., (Ward 10) submitted by Khaluna, Inc., for an On Sale liquor license (2021-00502)
Adopting the Business License Operating Conditions for Khaluna, 4000 Lyndale Ave S, negotiated between the City of Minneapolis and Khaluna, Inc, allowing the licensee to obtain the On Sale Liquor, No Live Entertainment License, LIC392764, subject to adherence with the conditions contained therein.
Benedictine Health System bond issuance host approval (2021-00498)
Passage of Resolution authorizing host approval for the issuance of Qualified 501(c)(3) Senior Health Care and Housing Facilities Revenue bonds for Benedictine Health System through the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board and Duluth Economic Development Authority.
Rezoning: Alliance Housing, Inc, 3301 Nicollet Ave and 9 E 33rd St (2021-00511)
Approving an application submitted by Alliance Housing, Inc. to rezone (PLAN12295) the properties located at 3301 Nicollet Ave and 9 E 33rd St to add the Split Zoning Overlay District in order to construct a new six-story residential building with 64 dwelling units.
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.
Right-of-way vacation: City of Minneapolis Department of Public Works, 215 Washington Ave N (2021-00510)
Approving an application submitted by the City of Minneapolis Public Works Department to vacate (VAC1745) a portion of turn-back right-of-way adjacent to 215 Washington Ave N, subject to the maintenance of a utility easement to provide access to City-owned storm sewer facilities in the adjacent alley.
Passage of Resolution vacating a portion of turn-back right-of-way adjacent to 215 Washington Ave N (Vac-1745).
Regulation of off-street parking and travel demand management ordinance (2020-00704)
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code, amending regulations related to off-street parking and loading as well as travel demand management:
- Chapter 525 Administration and Enforcement.
- Chapter 527 Planned Unit Development.
- Chapter 530 Site Plan Review.
- Chapter 531 Nonconforming Uses and Structures.
- Chapter 535 Regulations of General Applicability.
- Chapter 536 Specific Development Standards.
- Chapter 537 Accessory Uses and Structures.
- Chapter 541 Off-Street Parking and Loading.
- Chapter 546 Residence Districts.
- Chapter 547 Office Residence Districts.
- Chapter 548 Commercial Districts.
- Chapter 549 Downtown Districts.
- Chapter 550 Industrial Districts.
- Chapter 551 Overlay Districts.
Policy & Government Oversight Committee
May 12, 2021 - Committee Report-
Juneteenth holiday ordinance (2021-00529)
Passage of Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Administration: Personnel, amending Article V to add a Juneteenth holiday for City employees.
Defense and indemnification of Robert Kroll in the matters of Nekima Levy Armstrong v. City of Minneapolis, et al., Jared Goyette v. City of Minneapolis, et al., Linda Tirado v. City of Minneapolis, et al., and Samantha Wright v. City of Minneapolis, et al. (2021-00535)
Adopting the findings of fact and conclusions of law set forth in the Recommendation and Order on Cross Motions for Summary Disposition issued by Administrative Law Judge Kimberly Middendorf in Office of Administrative Hearings matter 21-6010-36948 and denying defense and indemnification for Robert Kroll in the matters of Nekima Levy Armstrong v. City of Minneapolis, et al., Jared Goyette v. City of Minneapolis, et al., Linda Tirado v. City of Minneapolis, et al., and Samantha Wright v. City of Minneapolis, et al., in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 466.07.
Contract amendment with Perceptyx, Inc. for employee engagement survey services (2021-00541)
Authorizing an extension to Contract No. C-40471 with Perceptyx, Inc., to December 31, 2021 to continue the employee engagement survey needs.
Automobile No-Fault Claim Processing Authorization: Ronald Olson (2021-00537)
Approving initial authorization to submit all current and ongoing medical bills relating to the no-fault claim of Ronald Olson to the City Finance Officer for payment from Fund/Org No. 06940-1500100-602013, following review by the City Attorney or his designee, pursuant to Minneapolis Code of Ordinances 16.1120.
Legal Settlement: Workers' Compensation claims of Luke Eckert (2021-00536)
Approving the Workers' Compensation claims of Luke Eckert by payment of $175,000 over three years to Mr. Eckert and his attorneys Meuser Law Firm and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.
Legal Settlement: Workers' Compensation claim of Andrew Hegseth (2021-00539)
Approving the Workers' Compensation claim of Andrew Hegseth by payment of $90,000 to Mr. Hegseth and his attorneys Mesuer Law Firm and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.
Legal Settlement: Workers' Compensation claim of Jared Roettjer (2021-00540)
Approving the Workers' Compensation claim of Jared Roettjer by payment of $190,000 over three years to Mr Roettjer and his attorneys Meuser Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.
Legal Settlement: Workers' Compensation claim of Gene Suker (2021-00542)
Approving the Workers' Compensation claim of Gene Suker by payment of $200,000 over three years to Mr. Gene Suker and his attorney's Meuser Law Firm and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.
Legal Settlement: Workers' Compensation claim of Lindsay Herron (2021-00543)
Approving the Workers' Compensation claim of Lindsay Herron by payment of $250,000 over four years to Ms. Lindsay Herron and her attorneys Meuser Law Firm and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.
Legal Settlement: Workers' Compensation claims of David Robins (2021-00544)
Approving the Workers' Compensation claim of David Robins by payment of $125,000 over two years to Mr. Robins and his attorneys Meuser Law Firm and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.
Legal Settlement: Workers' Compensation claim of Sokham Klann (2021-00545)
Approving the Workers' Compensation claim of Sokham Klann by payment of $180,000 over three years to Mr. Klann and his attorneys Meuser Law Firm and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement.
Lake Street - Greenway Partnership Agreement (2021-00346)
Passage of Resolution confirming renewal and new name of the Lake Street - Greenway Partnership to integrate policies and mobilize investments for Lake Street and the Greenway.
2021 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization report (2021-00533)
Passage of Resolution approving the equalization of assessed valuations of real and personal property as recommended by the 2021 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization.
Public Health & Safety Committee
May 6, 2021 - Committee Report-
Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) plan modification process approval (2021-00521)
Approving the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) plan modification process, as recommended by the NRP Policy Board.
Grant application to the Minnesota Department of Commerce for Auto Theft Prevention (2021-00522)
Authorizing the submittal of a grant application to the Minnesota Department of Commerce, in the amount of $1,344,552, for the prevention of motor vehicle thefts in Minneapolis and to serve as fiscal agent to the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board to reimburse Minnesota law enforcement agencies for vehicle theft programs.
Contract amendment with the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) for fingerprint-based background checks (2021-00523)
Authorizing an amendment to increase to Minneapolis Police contract COM0001580 with Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), in the amount of $30,000 for a new not to exceed total of $45,000, for continued state and federal fingerprint-based background checks using the BCA's amendment form.
Grant from Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management for Police Bomb Disposal Unit services (2021-00524)
Accepting a grant from Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management, in the amount of $156,000, for Police Bomb Disposal Unit equipment and training for the year 2021.
Authorizing an agreement with Homeland Security and Emergency Management for Police Bomb Disposal Unit equipment and training for the year 2021.
Grant application to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services for COVID 19 Health Literacy enhancement (2021-00525)
Authorizing the submittal of a grant application to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, in the amount of $4,000,000, for a two-year period, for Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Response to COVID-19.
Contract with Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) for providing investigative forensic DNA analysis on Police Department case evidence (2021-00527)
Authorizing a contract with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), in the not to-exceed amount of $880,000, for providing investigative forensic DNA analysis on Police Department case evidence for two years.
Contracts for violence prevention (2021-00528)
Authorizing contracts with the following organizations for a total amount not to exceed amount $350,000 for violence prevention in Minneapolis: Somali Community Resettlement Services: $43,750; Sewa-AIFW: $43,750; Worldwide Outreach for Christ: $43,750; Northside Residents Redevelopment: $43,750; Hennepin Theatre Trust: $20,833; Webber Camden Neighborhood: $20,833; The Sanctuary Covenant Church: $20,833; Art Is My Weapon: $20,833; HIRED: $20,833; Phumulani MN African Women: $20,833; Lutheran Social Services of MN: $10,000; Restorative Justice Community Action: $10,000; Dynamic Family Solutions: $10,000; Lateshia Carter: $10,000; and Kente Circle Training Institute: $10,000.
Creation of an unarmed Traffic Safety Division (2021-00474)
Directing staff to design and develop recommendations for the creation of an unarmed Traffic Safety Division, to be housed in a department outside of the Police Department, to be responsible for enforcement, education, and other activities that increase traffic safety; and report back to the Public Health & Safety Committee with a project timeline by the end of Quarter 2, 2021.
UNICEF's Child Friendly City Initiative update (2021-00464)
Authorizing the City of Minneapolis to become a community collaborator with the Growing Up In Cities Project, to identify disparities in health and well-being outcomes for young people across the city and to engage youth as local change agents.
Authorizing a no-cost Memorandum of Understanding with the Growing Up in Cities Project.
Transportation & Public Works
May 5, 2021 - Committee Report-
Washburn Alley Construction (between Washburn Ave S, Vincent Ave S, W 58th St, and W 59th St): Project approval and assessment (2021-00499)
Passage of Resolution ordering the work to proceed and adopting special assessments in the amount of $27,740.82 for the Washburn Alley Construction Project No. 2332 (CPV063) (between Washburn Ave S, Vincent Ave S, W 58th St, and W 59th St).
Passage of Resolution requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation authorize the City's issuance and sale of assessment bonds in the amount of $27,740.82 for the project.
Contract amendment with Minnesota Department of Transportation for Bryn Mawr Hedge Landscaping Project (2021-00500)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0003614 with Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), in the amount of $4,000 for a total amount not to exceed $10,000, for additional landscaping materials needed for the Bryn Mawr Hedge Landscaping Project.
Contract amendment with AAA Building Maintenance Company LLC for alley snow plowing services (2021-00503)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0001414 with AAA Building Maintenance Company LLC, in the amount of $313,000 for a total amount not to exceed $457,000, for alley snow plowing services.
Contract amendment with Stonepros LLC for alley snow plowing services (2021-00504)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0001409 with Stonepros LLC, in the amount of $55,000 for a total amount not to exceed $226,000, for alley snow plowing services.
Contract amendment with Kevitt Excavating LLC for alley snow plowing services (2021-00505)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0001410 with Kevitt Excavating LLC, in the amount of $737,840 for a total amount not to exceed $1,322,840, for alley snow plowing services.
Contract amendment with BlueSky Electric Co. for Vineland and Riverfront Lighting Retrofit Project (2021-00506)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0002292 with BlueSky Electric Co., in the amount of $8,695 for a total amount not to exceed $422,295, for additional lights for the Vineland and Riverfront Parking Ramps Lighting Retrofit Project.
Contract amendment with VEIT & Company, Inc. for Hoyer Heights Street Reconstruction Project (2021-00507)
Authorizing an increase to Contract No. COM0002348 with VEIT & Company, Inc., in the amount of $122,867 for a total amount not to exceed $2,469,429.58, for additional project work and costs associated with unforeseen conditions on the Hoyer Heights Street Reconstruction Project, all in accordance with City specifications.
License agreement with Met Council for secure bicycle facility in Ramp B (2021-00508)
Authorizing a license agreement with the Met Council for a secure bicycle facility located in Ramp B.
Transportation Action Plan: Amendment to All Ages & Abilities Network (2021-00514)
Approving an amendment to the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan to amend the All Ages & Abilities (AAA) Network to add an existing low stress bikeway on 3rd Ave NE from Main St NE to Central Ave NE.
Pedestrian Street Lighting Corridor: Amendment to Street Lighting Plan to re-classify the 42nd St E, Downtown East, and Grand Ave S Paving Project street segments (2021-00515)
Approving an amendment to the Minneapolis Street Lighting Plan, Figure 2 Map, to re-classify the following roadway segments to Pedestrian Street Light Corridors:
- 42nd St E, from 46th Ave S to W River Pkwy
- 10th Ave S, from Washington Ave S to 3rd St S
- 12th Ave S, from Washington Ave S to 3rd St S
- 3rd St S, from 10th Ave S to 12th Ave S
- Grand Ave S, from Lake St W to 48th St W.
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways: City of Minneapolis comments (2021-00519)
Approving City of Minneapolis comments on the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways and directing submittal of the comments to the Federal Highway Administration.
Bid for Fridley Campus Electrical Rehabilitation Construction Project (2021-00516)
Deleting from the agenda acceptance of the low bid of Egan Company, submitted on Event No. 1411, in the amount of $10,278,300, to provide all materials, labor, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the Fridley Campus Electrical Rehabilitation Construction Project, and authorizing a contract for the project, all in accordance with City specifications.
Bid for Class 1 Rip Rap (2021-00517)
Accepting the low bid of Aggregate Industries, Inc., submitted on Event No. 1482, in the amount of $183,300, to provide all materials, labor, equipment, and incidentals necessary for providing Class 1 Rip Rap to the Public Works Department, and authorizing a contact for providing this material, all in accordance with City specifications.
Bid for stormwater facilities specialty vegetation management (2021-00518)
- Accepting the low bid of Landbridge Ecological, Inc., submitted on Event No. 1367, in the amount of $649,545, to furnish and deliver all labor, materials, and incidentals for performing stormwater facilities specialty vegetation management, and authorizing a three-year contract for the service with the option to extend for two additional 12-month periods, all in accordance with City specifications.
Reports of Special Committees
Executive Committee
May 11, 2021 - Committee Report-
Appointed position in the City Coordinator's Office: Race and Equity Director (2021-00584)
Referring to the Policy & Government Oversight Committee the proposed appointed position of Race and Equity Director.
Referring to the Policy & Government Oversight Committee an ordinance setting the salary schedule for the position effective May 11, 2021.
Appointed position in the City Coordinator’s Office: Service Center Director (2021-00585)
Referring to the Policy & Government Oversight Committee findings the proposed appointed position of Service Center Director.
Referring to the Policy & Government Oversight Committee an ordinance setting the salary schedule for the position effective May 11, 2021.
Proposal to amend the City Charter: Government Structure (2021-00580)
Directing the City Attorney to:
- Conduct a legal analysis of the proposal to determine whether it constitutes a proper subject for a home-rule charter;
- Prepare draft ballot language for the proposal to be submitted to the electorate as part of the general election to be conducted Tuesday, November 2, 2021; and
- Publish the legal analysis, along with supporting findings, in a written opinion together with the draft ballot language for the proposed charter amendment to be distributed to City policymakers and presented formally through the Policy & Government Oversight Committee.
Petition to amend the City Charter: Public Safety Department (2021-00578)
Directing the City Attorney to:
- Conduct a legal analysis of the proposal to determine whether it constitutes a proper subject for a home-rule charter;
- Prepare draft ballot language for the proposal to be submitted to the electorate as part of the general election to be conducted Tuesday, November 2, 2021; and
- Publish the legal analysis, along with supporting findings, in a written opinion together with the draft ballot language for the proposed charter amendment to be distributed to City policymakers and presented formally throuigh the Policy & Government Oversight Committee.
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- Your attendance at the meeting;
- Your name, residential address, email or phone number, or other personal contact details;
- Your comments at the meeting, whether part of a formal hearing or comment period or otherwise; and
- Any submissions you provide before or after the meeting which are included as part of the public record of the meeting.
A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05.