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Marked Agenda

Planning Commission Agenda

Regular Meeting
April 12, 2021 - 4:30 pm
Online Meeting
Members Present: Raya Esmaeili (President), Alyssa Olson (Vice-President), Aneesha Marwah (Secretary), Bill Baxley, Kimberly Caprini, Keith Ford, Chloe McGuire, Chris Meyer, Jeremy Schroeder, and Amy Sweasy (Quorum: 5)
Staff: Rachel Blanford

Call To Order

  1. Roll Call.
    Quorum Present
    Adoption of the agenda.
    Action Taken: Adopted
    Acceptance of minutes

    Action Taken: Accepted

Public Hearing

  1. 215 Washington Ave N, Ward 3

    City Staff: Andrew Frenz, Vac1745

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by the City of Minneapolis Department of Public Works.

    A. Vacation.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the vacation of a portion of turn-back right-of-way adjacent to 215 Washington Ave N.

    Action Taken: Approved

    164 Cedar Lake Rd N, 203-217 James Ave N, Ward 5

    City Staff: Peter Crandall, PLAN12358

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Chad Dipman.

    A. Preliminary and final plat.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the application for a preliminary and final plat.

    Action Taken: Approved

    128 2nd St N and 128 1st Ave N, Ward 3

    City Staff: Aaron Hanauer, PLAN12365

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by 128 2nd Street LLC and Stantec.

    A. Registered land survey.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the application for a registered land survey, subject to the following conditions:

    1. Approval of this RLS does not constitute approval for the separate redevelopment of any tract if such tract does not comply with applicable zoning and subdivision ordinances.
    2. This action of the Planning Commission shall be recorded with Hennepin County at or prior to such time as the signed RLS is presented for recording with Hennepin County.
    Action Taken: Approved

    2613 and 2619 Lake St E and 3010 27th Ave S, Ward 2

    City Staff: Andrew Frenz, PLAN12288

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Steve Krause.

    A. Conditional use permit.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the conditional use permit to allow an off-sale liquor store in the C3A Community Activity Center District, subject to the following condition:

    1. The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval.

    B. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to reduce minimum building height in the BFC6 Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District from two stories, 20 feet to one story, 24 feet.

    C. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to reduce the minimum floor area ratio in the BFC6 Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District from 1.0 to 0.79.

    D. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to reduce minimum window coverage in the PO Pedestrian Oriented Overlay District from 40 percent to 20.9 percent adjacent to Lake St E and to 36.2 percent adjacent to Minnehaha Ave, subject to the following condition:

    1. Windows may not be blocked by graphics, film, signage, or fixtures between four and seven feet above grade, except for the two center windows adjacent to Lake St E and the four center windows adjacent to Minnehaha Ave, which may be partially blocked between four and six feet above grade by open, transparent display shelving.

    E. Site plan review.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the site plan review for a new commercial building containing an off-sale liquor store, subject to the following conditions:

    1. All site improvements shall be completed by April 12, 2023, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
    2. CPED staff shall review and approve the final site, elevation, landscaping, and lighting plans before building permits may be issued.
    3. The applicant shall submit the tax parcel division, combination, or lot line adjustment request form to CPED and submit proof of the filing with Hennepin County.
    4. The plant materials, and installation and maintenance of the plant materials, shall comply with sections 530.200 and 530.210 of the zoning code.
    5. Windows may not be blocked by graphics, film, signage, or fixtures between four and seven feet above grade, except for the two center windows adjacent to Lake St E and the four center windows adjacent to Minnehaha Ave, which may be partially blocked between four and six feet above grade by open, transparent display shelving, in compliance with section 530.120 of the zoning code.
    6. The applicant shall prepare and submit a lighting plan demonstrating compliance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 535 and Chapter 541 of the zoning code.
    Action Taken: Approved

    1716-1720 Mount Curve, Ward 7

    City Staff: Mei-Ling Smith, PLAN12355

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Jake Steen of Larkin Hoffman Attorneys, on behalf of Steven Cutri.

    A. Conditional use permit.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the conditional use permit to allow a cluster development with two dwelling units in the R2 Multiple-Family District, subject to the following condition:

    1. The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval.

    B. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to increase the maximum width of a driveway from 25 feet to 37 feet.

    C. Preliminary and final plat.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the application for a preliminary plat to combine two underlying plats into one, subject to the following condition:

    1. The design of a subdivision for a cluster development shall implement the site plan as approved by the planning commission and shall include a deed restriction designating the five standards found in section 598.260 of the Land Subdivision code.
    Action Taken: Approved

    3301 Nicollet Ave and 9 33rd St E, Ward 8

    City Staff: Peter Crandall, PLAN12295

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Alliance Housing.

    A. Rezoning.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the petition to rezone the properties at 3301 Nicollet Ave; 9 E 33rd St to add the Split Zoning Overlay District.

    B. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to decrease the minimum rear yard setback from 11 feet to 5.5 feet.

    C. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to decrease the front yard setback for the residentially zoned portion of the lot from 15 feet to 1 foot for the building wall subject to the following condition:

    1. The applicant shall reduce the size of the proposed patio to meet the maximum size requirements for permitted obstructions under chapter 535 of the zoning code.

    D. Variance.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the variance to decrease the minimum vehicle parking requirement from 32 spaces to 10 spaces.

    E. Site plan review.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the site plan review for a six-story residential building with 64 dwelling units, subject to the following conditions:

    1. All site improvements shall be completed by May 21, 2023, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
    2. CPED staff shall review and approve the final site, elevation, landscaping, and lighting plans before building permits may be issued.
    3. The applicant shall submit the tax parcel division, combination, or lot line adjustment request form to CPED and submit proof of the filing with Hennepin County.
    4. All signs shall comply with Chapter 543 of the zoning code. All signage requires a separate permit from CPED.
    5. The applicant shall provide a lighting plan detailing type, location, and luminance of all proposed exterior lighting fixtures.
    6. The applicant shall implement windows or other architectural strategies to mitigate the blank wall conditions on the north and south elevations at the ground level in compliance with Section 530.120 of the zoning code
    7. The applicant shall relocated the proposed generator in the required interior side yard to comply with minimum setback requirements.
    8. All final site plan approvals subject to conditions of inclusionary housing shall be filed with the Office of the Hennepin County Recorder or Registrar of Titles and evidence of proper filing shall be submitted to the zoning administrator prior to the issuance of any building permits.
    9. Except as allowed by the affordable housing premium, all premiums shall be maintained for the life of the principal structure. The length of compliance with the affordable housing premium shall be as required by the Unified Housing Policy.
    Action Taken: Approved as Amended

    Zoning Code Text Amendment, All Wards

    This item was continued from the March 22, 2021 meeting.

    City Staff: Joe Bernard

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission and City Council adopt staff findings to amend Title 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, as follows, and further recommends that Chapters 520, 521, and 530 be returned to the author.

    A. Text amendment: Amending Title 20 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances related to the Zoning Code, as follows:

    Chapter 525 Administration and Enforcement

    Chapter 527 Planned Unit Development

    Chapter 531 Nonconforming Uses and Structures

    Chapter 535 Regulations of General Applicability

    Chapter 536 Specific Development Standards

    Chapter 537 Accessory Uses and Structures

    Chapter 541 Off-Street Parking and Loading

    Chapter 546 Residence Districts

    Chapter 547 Office Residence Districts

    Chapter 548 Commercial Districts

    Chapter 549 Downtown Districts

    Chapter 550 Industrial Districts

    Chapter 551 Overlay Districts

    The purpose of the amendment is to adopt regulations implementing parking, loading, and travel demand management policies of Minneapolis 2040 and the Transportation Action Plan.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the text amendment to amend regulations related to off-street parking and loading as well as travel demand management.

    Action Taken: Approved

    407 15th Ave SE, 1412 and 1428 5th St SE, 1413 and 1417 4th St SE, 416 14th Ave SE, Ward 3

    City Staff: Lindsey Silas, PLAN11255

    The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt staff findings for the application by Chris Palkowitsch.

    A. Final Plat.

    Recommended Motion: Approve the application for a final plat.

    Action Taken: Approved


  1. Updates by CPED staff.
    Action Taken: No action taken


Next Planning Commission meeting: Apr 26, 2021